Hanging Out (Chapter 15)

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Archer: "I think (Y/N) needs to hang out with everyone."

Jack: "I thought you said you wanted to get Vol 1 over and done with."

Archer: 😶

Jack: "Fine, fine, I'm sorry."
Your POV

The sun beat down on you and your friends as you all toured around Vale. It was the weekend and a rare one at that, when you all weren't overrun with homework or schoolwork. So you all decide to take advantage and take a trip into Vale as a group. You all came into a plaza area and stopped by the fountain.

(Y/N): "So where to first?" A number of things were said all at once before everyone realised they didn't want to go to the same place. "Okay, okay. We'll speak one at a time and anyone who wants to go to that place can go as a group, agreed?" Everyone nodded to your suggestion and you pointed at Ruby.

Ruby: "Oh well I wanted to go to the bakery and the weapon store." No one spoke and Ruby looked down a bit sad. You pointed at Nora next.

Nora: "I was gonna go to the arcade and play whack a Grimm!"

Jaune: "That sounds like fun!" They went into a pair. You all turned to Blake.

Blake: "I intended to go to the library for the day."

Ren: "If you don't mind I might come with. Nora's been asking for more... extravagant meals and I need a cook book." They formed another group. Weiss spoke without anyone looking to her.

Weiss: "Well I need to go pick up a new dress."

Yang: "Oh its summer season I might see what they have in store."

Pyrrha: "I think I might join you both on that if you don't mind." All three nodded leaving you to choose.

(Y/N): "Well I suppose I'll accompany Ruby for now, can't have her be all on her lonesome-" You were interrupted as said person turned to petals, appeared behind you and jumped on your back.

Ruby: "Yay! Let's go! There are cookies to eat!" You rolled your eyes and started running, leaving everyone to go there own way.

After a bit of running Ruby disembarked off your back and attempted to drag you inside the bakery, to which you played along with.

The bakery itself was a nice little place and was very cozy with a warm felling and a smell of bread as you walked in. The glass display cases that made up the counter were adorned with all number of sweets and treats but you couldn't help but notice Ruby almost drooling over the strawberry cookies. Looking at the cashier you pointed to the cookies and help up six fingers. Getting the message the cashier grabbed and bagged them much to Ruby's dismay.

Ruby: "Aww but I wanted those." She huffed. You however took the bag and handed over some lien.

(Y/N): "Well you'll just have to be nice to me then." You held them above her as she jumped furiously trying to get them before giving up.

Ruby: "Pleaseeeeeeee?" She gave you the biggest puppy dog eyes you had ever seen so you found yourself handing over a cookie which she munched happily.

(Y/N): "You'll actually have to earn the next ones."

Ruby: "Yea, yea sure. Come on the weapon store is this way!" She grabbed ahold of your arm and dragged you along having finished the cookie in record time.

The weapon store was a bit more run down, as if it was rarely visited but stepping on the inside you'd find the opposite to be true. It was very modern and organised. Once inside Ruby ran over to a display case and was practically drooling over the contents, a new weapon part, which she happily pointed out to you in excitement multiple times.

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