Consequences (Chapter 40)

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The Taturus was dead.

It had split in two, cleaved in half by its own blade. It stayed stood for a few moments before toppling backwards like a great oak tree that had been cut from its roots.
The Grimm, before it could hit the ground, evaporated like water into the air leaving only black and white dust in its places which disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

With the death of the Taturus the endless tide of Grimm quickly fell to the hail of fire that was the Atlas support. The near pitch black surrounding the breach cracked which allowed the newly arriving Glynda Goodwitch to patch the hole by using her semblance. Large chunks of rock and cement flew from the rubble and replaced itself back in the foundations recreating the wall and cutting off all new Grimm that could possibly enter the city. With that the Grimm's numbers began to drop and drop until you would be hard pressed to find them.

The three teams were left stunned and shocked. They were as still as statues as they processed what they had just witnessed. That was until the dust settled in the crater the hero of the hour had created and out of it came (Y/N), battered, bruised and bleeding while being supported by Ruby. (Y/N)'s left arm was completely gone now, all that was left was the oozing red to fall from the coat sleeve. His leg was twisted in an unnatural shape that made his movements awkward and jagged as he approached them. Finally across his eye was the ravine like gash that had rendered his eye completely useless and constantly bled out staining his torn clothes and dusty coat.

Team CFVY was first to react deciding to give the younger teams their space and leaving to go help with pest control of the remaining Grimm. As soon as they had made their depart the others made their move, rushing towards the immortal and Ruby. They met the two not far from the impact crater he had made when landing from the fight.

Pyrrha: "Are you okay?!"

Nora: "How did you do that?!"

Blake: "Why did you do that?!

The two teams crowded around you, each with their own question or thing to say constantly, the questions ran around your head and made it ring annoyingly. They wouldn't shut up and you couldn't stop yourself anymore.

(Y/N): "Shut up!" You yelled silencing them all in an instant. "Blake. Give me your gun."

Blake nodded and pulled out her gun holding it in her open palm towards you, she hadn't let the statement process in her head, much to shocked by the sudden outburst. However when you went to take the gun Weiss snatched it away, concern lining her face.

Weiss: "Why do you need it?" Anger bubbles to the surface and replaced your annoyance.

(Y/N): "Because, you inconsiderate girl, I am in a truly astonishing amount of pain after dealing with that Grimm near single-handily. I am barley standing and losing blood with each second that goes by BUT oh no that doesn't matter let's hound him with idiotic questions!" You pushes away from Ruby and staggered forwards as everyone stared in shock. "And when I have a single request! When I am asking for mercy! The pompous and privileged heiress refuses it and take away my salvation demanding to know why I want something she disagrees with! Well your royal highness if you could just allow a peasant his death-" You snatched the gun from Weiss's trembling hands and started limping away from the two teams. "-It would be very much appreciated."

Yang: "Hey! That was completely uncalled for!" You stopped and turned around, your eye met her eyes making her flinch backwards.

(Y/N): "So was blowing my head off you blonde b-" You pulled the trigger before you could finish and your body fell to the floor.

The two teams stared at the dead body of their friend, they all knew he'd be back but the words he had left them with and how he had taken his life while berating them left the teens rooted to the spot. After what felt like an hour but in reality was a few minutes Jaune spoke.

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