Black & White (Chapter 17)

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Archer: 100 followers... thank you all who followed and thank you all who, maybe, haven't followed but are reading the books. So do you guys want anything special or are you good? I think you're good... right? Okay okay put the gun down, what do you want?
Your POV

It had been two days since Blake's disappearance and your searches in Beacon had failed so you all moved on to Vale. The streets were rather empty for a weekend although that does work in your favour. Currently you and the remainder of team RWBY were searching for her.

Ruby: "Blaaaake!"

Yang: "Blaaaake!"

(Y/N): "BLAAAAAKE! Come out!" Bellowing out like this again made you cough and need a drink of water yet you continued anyway.

Ruby: "Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yooouuu!?"

Yang: "Blake!"

Ruby: "Weiss, you're not helping!"

Weiss: "Oh. You know who might be able to help? The police." You clenched your fist, for the last two days she had been making comments like this, just insulting her while she couldn't defend herself or even explain.

Ruby: "Ugh, Weiss..."

Weiss: "It was just an idea!"

Ruby: "Yeah, a bad one."

Yang: "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions."

Weiss: "I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!" You snapped.

(Y/N): "Oh just shut up! I'm tired of your slander against Blake's name! Has she done anything to hurt you?"

Weiss: "Well no..."

(Y/N): "Do you I know for a fact that she killed anyone? Your family or otherwise?"

Weiss: "Uhh no..."

(Y/N): "Then get off your high horse and help look and once you've heard her side of the story you can judge her all the fuck you want. But you want to know what I think? I think this is exactly what she feared would happen..." You looked down realising that your own words very much reflected how you felt about telling your new friends the truth of your power. When suddenly.

Penny: "And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!" All of you jumped and turned to the orange haired girl.

Ruby: "Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?"

Penny: "Hey guys! What are you up to?"

Ruby: "Uhh..."

Yang: "We're looking for our friend Blake."

Penny: "Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!"

You all stared at Penny.

Ruby: "Wait, how did you know that?"

Penny: "Uhh, the cat ears?"

Yang: "What cat ears? She wears a... bow ohhh..."

The realization left you all in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind. The silence was interrupted as loud facepalm came from your direction.

Ruby: "She does like tuna a lot..."

Penny: "So, where is she?"

Ruby: "We don't know. She's been missing since Friday."

Penny: "That's terrible!" Penny went right up to Ruby. "Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!"

Ruby: "Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?"

She looked over Penny to direct her question at Yang and Weiss, who's dust clouds quickly dissipated as you realised they were gone as well, a tumbleweed blew past you three again in the quiet.

Penny: "It sure is windy today!"

{Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Blake and Chibi Zwei having a stand-off.}

Penny: So, Blake is your friend?"

Ruby: "Yes, Penny."

Penny: "But you're mad at her?"

Ruby: "Yes. Well, I'm not. Weiss is."

Penny: "Is she friends with Blake?"

Ruby: "Well, that's kind of up in the air right now..."

Penny: "But why?"

Ruby: "Well, you see, Blake might not be who we though she was..."

Penny: Gasping. "Is she a man?"

Ruby: "No! No, Penny. She's... I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off."

Penny: "I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things."

Ruby: "Me too..." The two walked on as you stood there.

(Y/N): "Oh what am I chopped liver?" You quickly caught up with them.

{Timeskip because I want to get Vol 1 over and done with. Sorry not sorry.}

You, Ruby and Penny rushes towards the docks after seeing a pillar of smoke rising from it. What was most surprising was when you got there you saw Blake and that monkey Faunus fighting Roman Torchwick. He was putting up a good fight but couldn't handle them both at once so he was knocked away. As he was however he shot a cable holding a dust crate causing it to fall just above Blake.

Reacting quickly you sprinted to the edge of the roof you were on and pushed off from it with a great amount of speed unsheathing your blade as you did. There was a number of loud clangs until the crate was sent flying away in a number of pieces and you landed next to Blake who looked astonished.

Ruby: "That was awesome!" Ruby shouted from across the dock, she then seemed to turn to Penny but as she did Roman fired a shot from his cane. This connected with Ruby and sent her flying.

(Y/N): "Oh now you've pissed me off."

Roman: "Wha-"

Roman couldn't finish as you ran at him and knocked him a fair distance away before chasing him again. Roman was barley on his feet when you reengaged, spinning around in a dancing flurry of metallic silver, as Roman barley kept his cane in a position to block your attacks. You swept one leg out from under him and pulled it back. He fell but managed to get his cane around you dragging you with him sending your weapon elsewhere.

Being on top of him you quickly began punching him in the face causing bruises and marks that were quickly healed by his aura. There was the satisfying sound of crunching when you connected with his jaw particularly hard which caused him to flail and knock you off him. Roman brought his cane up and pointed it at you. Seeing this you panicked and brought your coat tail in-front of you and covered yourself. The shot was fired and collided with your coat, exploding, and sending you across the dock knocking you out.

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