Red (Chapter 24)

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Your eyes shot open as metal clanged against metal causing a reverb to sound in the amphitheatre. Looking to the battlefield you saw and reminded yourself Pyrrha and a guy named Mercury were fighting.

Pyrrha has just finished a swipe against Mercury's legs and downed him, only for him to push himself up while spinning and then preforming a few backflips to gain distance. Pyrrha paused a minute before running at him.

Mercury attempted to hit her with his boots from multiple angles but each time he was met with her shield or sword that blocked the attacks with a loud clang and a small amount of sparks. Pyrrha spotted an opening and slammed into him with her shield causing him to stumble back. Mercury stood for a moment as did Pyrrha before he charged in performing a number of spin flips while kicking at her, using shots from his shotgun-boots to speed himself up. These clashes let out a number of metallic rings that echoed throughout the stadium only adding to the suspense as Pyrrha was pushed back and lost her sword.

Mercury tried one last attack at her head and instead of blocking Pyrrha instead elected to move it with her semblance, something that would've gone unnoticed to anyone not intimately familiar to the ability like you were.

Pyrrha quickly gathered her sword as Mercury jumped at her kicking against her shield and launching away using his boots. Pyrrha began running at him as he turned to Pyrrha and shocked you all.

Mercury: "I forfeit."

Pyrrha slowed herself and stumbled past him by a few steps.

Pyrrha: "You, you don't even want to try?"

Mercury: "Why would I? Your a world renowned fighter and we're obviously leagues apart."

Glynda: "In that case Pyrrha Nikos is the victor of the match. Young man I suggest you pick an opponent more wisely next time."

Mercury: "I'll be sure to do that."

Glynda: "Alright we have time for one more fight and there have already been volunteers, Team RWBY vs (Y/N) (L/N), both teams make your way to the changing rooms and prepare."

{Le Timeskip brought to you by this bribe on my desk, you know who you are.}

Walking out onto the raised platform you gazed across to your opponent assessing them, tiredly. They all seemed equally pumped and ready for battle aside from Blake who seemed tired, possibly a first weak link to exploit. You couldn't help but let out a yawn as it had been many days since you last properly slept. Looking back over them eyelids almost dropping you assumed Yang and Ruby would assault first while Weiss and Blake played support. If your guess proved to be correct you would have to get past them, which would be made difficult due to Ruby's speed and... uh... it would be so easy just to sleep now instead of come up with a plan.

Glynda: "... and those are the rules of the match. Now with both sides ready in 3... 2... 1..."

You snapped out of your dazing state and pulled out your weapon just in time for her to say go.

Your original guess was correct as Yang started running forwards only to be passed by Ruby as she burst forward in a storm of rose petals. You were about to dodge at the last second when you found your legs were stuck by a black glyph, reacting quickly you barley managed to change your revolver to blade form and block a vertical slice from a scythe. The loud clang reverberated throughout the amphitheater knocking Weiss's concentration. With you legs now free you became suddenly aware of air being punched through, tilting your body to the side you avoided a punch from Yang and instead the force was brought against Ruby sending her flying back. Using Yangs momentary pause you elbowed her stomach and backhanded her face before spin flipping kicking her face into the ground.

The firing of a gun was heard but missed by a few cm, realising this was Blake you rolled away from the downed blonde and then sprang from the roll into a sprint aimed right at Weiss. Seeing this the heiress used a time glyph on herself to speed up her reactions. Aiming originally at her feet you were blocked and this you started thrusting, cutting and slicing at her only to be met and deflected as you tested her defence. Looking to her feet you saw the glyph fading but looking back to her face you saw her look smug, eyes widening you quickly dropped to the floor only narrowly avoiding the scythe swing.

Rolling sideways you sprang backwards in a backflip and stood ready as the two girls came at you switching their attacks to not let you retaliate. Just when you had Ruby immobile Weiss would lock blades with you making you start exchanging parry's with her. Knowing you couldn't keep it up you tried something risky, instead of blocking Ruby's scythe you changed your blade back to a revolver and stepped forward into the swing letting it sail past behind you and into the ground, stuck. Using the young girls confusion you removed her hands from the weapon while firing multiple shots from blank range into Weiss, draining a sizeable chunk of her aura. Kicking Ruby away, you saw Blake running at you, grabbing ahold of the scythe behind you pulled it out of the ground and spun it around your body expertly, thanking silently Qrow forcing you to learn how to use one.

You began spinning the scythe around you while running at Blake forcing her to go on the defensive as the weapons clashed in loud metallic clangs of power. Soon enough you built up enough momentum to drop it and it to continue spinning around your ankles for a second forcing her to jump away before you kicked it back up into your hands.

You all stopped for a moment allowing you all to catch breath as you all recovered yourselves. Looking to Ruby you saw a mixture of emotions from awe, shock and a handful of jealousy.

(Y/N): "Does Ruby want the scythe? Goooo fetch!"

You threw the scythe as hard as you could at Yang who moved out the way as Ruby ran after it. In the confusion you changed your blade once more and activated the blades dust feature, channeling electricity dust through it, running at Blake she pulled her blade up in defence only to be electrocuted and kicked away draining the remainder of her aura.

(Y/N): "One."

Activating ice next you blocked a punch from Yang freezing her gauntlet. Smiling you proceeded to avoid her punches one after the other, only irritating her further. Tilting 90 degrees you tripped Yang and froze her legs together letting her hit the floor harmlessly. Returning the blade to revolver form you reloaded and let out 6 shot into her draining her aura fully.

(Y/N): "Two."

Air ripped in two as a rapier blade went soaring past your throat before pulling back for a second go. This wouldn't happen as you fell to the floor and activated your blade as she brought hers down on you. You entered a blade lock as you pushed against a surprising amount of force for such a small person, you smirked and managed to get a footing before rolling away from her only to backflip and kick Weiss face first into Yangs frozen legs, breaking the ice and decimating the remainder of her aura.

Stepping back you admired your handy work at the defeated girls before tempering about the missing one.

(Y/N): "Well that's 3 so where's-"

There was only silence as the cheers and applause of the audience stopped in an instance.


You almost immediately became aware of the redhead in front of you and the immense amount of shock on her face as she stared at something you were to scared to face. Tears began welling in her eyes as she began choking up unable to speak.

Drops of red fell from the red reapers scythe and hit the floor like echoing gunshots. A warm feeling was emanating from your chest as you looked down and saw the deadly weapon lodged in your chest.

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