Field Trip (Chapter 35)

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You leaned against the wall in silence as Ironwood, who had arrived shortly after you, was shouting at Ozpin.

Ironwood: "They were here... Ozpin, they were here!" He slammed his fist down onto the desk in anger.

Glynda: "We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James." Glynda interrupted, much to your pleasure.

Ironwood: "Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!"

A ping from the elevator signalled that someone was approaching, this gave just enough time for Ironwood to step away and calm his features.

Ozpin: "Come in."

Ruby stepped into the room, passing you without notice.

Ruby: "Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here... It wasn't me." This made you laugh and she turned around surprised and confused. "Wait why are-"

Ozpin: "Thank you for coming Ruby. How are you feeling?" He asked quickly avoiding the inevitable question as Ruby turned back to look at him.

Ruby: "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't zero for three." She joked and when even you didn't laugh she corrected herself. "Okay, so that's the tone we're going for, got it."

Ironwood: "Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could."

Ruby: "I uh- thank you, sir." She never had taken praise well.

Ozpin: "Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that... transpired last night, but now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add." Glynda jumped on the chance.

Glynda: "Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?" Ruby turned to you with a help me look and you shrugged leaving her to her own devices.

Ruby: "I... I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her Semblance though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked."

Glynda: "Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby." Ironwood was quick to put down this theory.

Ironwood: "Embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone."

Ruby: "Wait... you think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?" She asked inquisitively and you could hear the hesitation in her voice.

Ozpin: "It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together." Ruby turned to you and this time you nodded having already guessed at what she would say.

Ruby: "Actually, I... I think I remember her saying something about a hideout, or something, in the southeast. Just outside the Kingdom."

Ozpin: "Interesting. Thank you for your cooperation Ruby. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you."

Ruby: "Any time." She smiled and turned to leave.

Ozpin: "And Miss Rose, please try and be ... discreet about this matter."

Ruby: "Yes sir." She said looking over her shoulder, she looked to you and smiled, then left.

Ozpin: "Well then, what do you have to say?" He asked looking towards you.

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