The Night Before (Chapter 33)

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Archer: "So people actually did get pissed that the vote didn't matter and how this is a harem story. To the first I apologise, I changed my mind the moment I woke up. To the second are you sure you've actually been reading this story, I mentioned it in the first few chapters. I would like to say, however, that I'm not angry people are voicing their critiques and opinions, I encourage it! I want to hear what you have to say!"

Ruby: "I told you people would be mad."

Archer: "Don't you have a dance to be at?"

Ruby: "Don't you have a Neo to lewd?"

Archer: "Go away."

Ruby: "See Ya!"
The Night Before The Dance
You and Jaune were alone in the dorm room, his teammates off to do other things. He had grabbed you before you could leave saying that Ren had already left and you'd have to do. You, of course, were flattered.

Rolling your eyes you sat down on your sleeping bag, grabbed a book, and motioned for him to proceed.

Jaune: "Alright... woo... so there's this girl-"

(Y/N): "Weiss."

Jaune: "How'd you-"

(Y/N): "The whole academy knows, Jaune."

Jaune: "Oh, right, well. Weiss, um, I need your advice. How do I ask her out?"

(Y/N): "What have you tried?" You turned a page lazily.

Jaune: "Singing, dancing, grand gestures-"

(Y/N): "Yea, she didn't like any of that."

Jaune: "I know! But I don't know what else to do!"

(Y/N): "Well, what do you like about her?"

Jaune: "She's smart; beautiful; amazing at combat, the way she dances across the battlefield; and have you heard her sing?! It's glorious. She's just... wow."

(Y/N): "Have you told her any of that?"

Jaune: "Are you kidding?! No!"

(Y/N): "Maybe that's your problem. What if Weiss doesn't want a grand gesture and instead wants honesty? Think about it, she's spent her whole life chased by suitors only after her money and name, a little honesty about real feelings could easily sway her in a way they never could."

Jaune: "Wow... you're right! I'll tell her the truth! Thanks so much. When did you become an expert on women?"

(Y/N): "Oh it's easy when you know the person. Even easier if you're holding their diary. Speaking of I should go return this again, I've run out of things to read."

Jaune: "Yea, yea, you do that, I need to go find a flower." He rubbed his chin and walked out of the dorm.

Huffing, you stood and stretched. Making the short trip across the hall you rapped your hand against the door a couple times.

Ruby: "Coming!" A muffled Ruby said.

The door swung open to reveal Ruby in her pyjamas, she looked ready for bed but on seeing you she perked up.

Ruby: "Oh, hey what's up?" She said moving aside, letting you in.

(Y/N): "Just returning something I 'borrowed' from Weiss."

Ruby: "She's out at the moment, something about Neptune..."

(Y/N): "Thats probably better for me." You slipped the diary back under her pillow, carefully making sure not to disturb the meticulously made sheets. "Where are the other two?"

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