Breach (Chapter 39)

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Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren all approached their scheduled bullhead, Nora and Ren talking about the upcoming mission while Jaune and Pyrrha discussed their training last night.

Jaune: "Oum, even when he's not here (Y/N) does not go easy on me."

Pyrrha: "That's probably why you've been making such massive strides in your training."

Jaune: "Yeaaa, speaking of how do you think his and Rwby's mission is going?"

Just as he finished his sentence a loud siren started screaming from the city before being quickly echoed by Beacons own alarms.

Jaune: "You don't think..."

Pyrrha: "The chances are low... but destiny has had crazier ideas..."

Jaune: "Alright we're changing our mission." He said catching the attention of the other two as they ran to the bullhead. He caught Ren by the shoulder. "We'll make it to that village another time." The two nodded and got into the bullhead and with a simple redirection sped towards the city.

Watching them go was Cinder, Emerald and Mercury who had been watching all the students leave to gather information.

Mercury: "You don't think..."

Emerald: "It's still days away." The two looked back to Cinder who was contemplating a plan. "What do we do?"

Cinder: "We stick to the plan. Follow me." She said before the three paced towards another bullhead.

Meanwhile Team Rwby we're surrounded on all sides by a near unending horde of Grimm, from blood-soaked Beowolves to a snapping King Taijitu, the mess of black, white and red began to circle the four girls.

Weiss: "W-What do we do?" She yelled to her teammates over the growing growls and snarls. Ruby quickly looked around at the certain death situation when her eyes were drawn to a mother and a baby in the second story of a building looking out the window terrified. Their eyes met and for a moment the mother wore a white cloak.

Ruby: "We take as many as we can down, buy time for the civilians." She declared while brandishing her scythe in a battle stance.

Yang looked over at her sister concerned but was only met with steely determination emanating from the young leader. The four team members nodded to each other before setting to work.

Ruby was the first to get into a fight, using her speed she swiftly sliced through multiple creatures, tearing their chests from their legs, until her scythe gave a loud clang as it failed to pierce the armour of a Beringel.
The large gorilla Grimm grabbed her scythe and threw it away, along with her, into another horde of Beowolves, who all snapped at her as she threw through the air, however before they could set upon her with claws and fangs she jumped up right and began swinging her scythe around her creating a temporary barrier that cut down Grimm who wandered to close.

Weiss had remained on the elevated position they had began on and, instead of charging in head first, let the Grimm come to her. She expertly struck them down, using her glyphs to keep her speed up so she could dart around and deal with the oncoming tide. She twirled like a ballerina between her opponents and with the grace of one penetrated their hearts with her icy sword before moving onto the next victim.
This was going well for the heiress but she was quickly losing precious aura for her glyphs and the waves of Grimm just kept coming. Her position was soon swarmed and she had to use glyphs to escape the crowd getting onto the top of a turned over car for a moments rest.

Blake was executing a well timed hit and run strategy, luring in the Grimm only to disappear in one place and cut them down in the next. She was the hunter and they were her prey as she chased them down before letting them think they had the upper hand. Dodging left and right of swipe and bite she took out another Beowolf before retreating into shadow again.
This continued on until she realised her mistake, she had become complacent in that type of combat and as such hadn't realised she had cornered herself against a wall. The towering creatures began to block out the light for the poor Faunus. With no moves left to fight she looked to her other option, flight, looking above her she saw a pole which had held a banner torn a-shred. Using the last of her dust she made an ice clone of herself just at the time multiple swings went for her, using the ribbon of her bow she caught the pole and swung upwards, narrowly landing on the pole. She was trapped against the building, balancing precariously on the pole, but temporarily safe.

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