Premonition (Chapter 22)

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You were awoken to the darkness. It was all encompassing as always, not even letting you see after it was over. It was merciless but fair, it would not judge and never had done, it just did what it had to.
So you waited. The darkness never failed before. It wouldn't this time.

Weeks had passed since you'd last been here. Thoughts of happier times and simpler times filled your head as you thought of the friends you'd grown to know and the things you'd done together. And with that the darkness began.

The flame began as a jumping dot of blue and red with white in the epicentre as the two danced around in a complex yet simple melody. It drew closer but you did not care, it was intoxicating and the only remotely interesting thing in existence. At some point it had leapt onto your arm and was burning yet freezing you, it did not hurt and in a way was almost pleasurable. It encompassed you in the same sensation, coating you in a warm and cold sensation tingling across your skin in the lonely, lonely dark. You were happy sat as the two fought each other neither fully conquering the other as life continued happily.

Amber eyes.

That's all you could recall of the woman.

Amber eyes.

The fire changed in an instant consuming the blue flame. Burning and peeling your skin, scorching and charing other places as well as melting it from your very bones, you could do nothing as the agonising pain grew and grew. All the while those amber eyes stared on as if pleased and to say 'I will kill you, this is the end.' But you had never died and you certainly wouldn't this time...


???: "I... rry"

That voice was new what was that.

And with that you awoke in a cold sweat.

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