Dance Date (Chapter 30)

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You checked your scroll for what must've been the fiftieth time that day as you traveled across Beacon's sleepy courtyard. You had several missed messages from Pyrrha, mainly asking where you were and when you would be back, you hadn't replied however as you had yet to come up with a lie about your location. However the most interesting message you got was one from Yang who, after claiming she didn't know how her contact was deleted from your scroll, asked you come to her dorm first instead of your own, assuming it to be important you agreed.

Soon enough you arrived outside RWBYs dorm and as such you quickly knocked on the door.

(Y/N): "What do you want Yang?" Much to your surprise, your declaration and knocking caused movement in both dorms (RWBYs and JNPRs), as if people were rushing to the doors.

The first door to open was RWBYs and there stood Yang in her pyjamas, smirking. You just had a moment to look in the room, to see Blake looking panicked, as well as rose petals newly settling on the floor, before Yang grabbed you by your coat and pulled you in as you heard the other dorm door open.

(Y/N): "Yang, what the hell-!"

You were silenced as Yang pushed you against the wall and slammed her lips against yours. Shocked, you didn't even think of resisting as the blondes soft lips parted your own deepening the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity, albeit a pleasant one, she pulled away, letting you go, with what seemed like a genuine smile on her face.

(Y/N): "I... I have some questions..."

Yang: "Is one of them 'why did she stop?'." She asked suggestively.

(Y/N): "Possibly..." You said contemplatively. "First question, why?"

Pyrrha: "Weiss dared her too!" She said appearing from the doorway and jumping into the conversation. You stared at her for a second before your eyes trailed to Weiss, passing over Ruby who was getting up off the floor after failing to stop Yang.

Weiss: "Only because you stole my diary!"

(Y/N): "Ohhh yeah. Wait, you decided to reward me for that?"

Weiss: "What?! No!"

Yang: "It did seem like a reward to me, one he seemed to enjoy." She said glancing at Pyrrha, who quickly stopped glaring daggers at her.

(Y/N): "Was that all you wanted."

Yang: "From you? For now~"

(Y/N): "Alright then, assuming no one else is going to attack my face I'm going to go change." You excused yourself leaving the girls alone.

Everyone stared at Yang who pretended to be innocent as she leant against the wall.

Yang: "What?"

Blake: "Are you serious Yang?"

Yang: "But Weiss dared me too."

Pyrrha: "No one expected you to do it!"

Ruby: "I-I did... she's never backed down from a dare before..."

Yang: "Exactly!"

Weiss: "What's done is done. Moving on Yang you need to get dressed we need to continue setting up for the dance."

Yang: "Oh, fine. Hey maybe I'll invite (Y/N) along find out what music he'll be playing and if he has a date." She said teasing her three 'rivals', if you could call them that. She quickly grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom.

Blake: "Weiss if you could do us all a favour and keep his attention on the music as much as possible that would be appreciated."

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