The Shining Beacon (Chapter 3)

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[First Posted - 19/08/18 Edited 03/08/19]

Your POV
The airship you were on flew high, nearly touching the clouds, as it carried its cargo, the future huntsmen of the world. Many of these people were talking with each other, forging friendships that would last a lifetime.

You, however, were much more interested in your scroll.

(Y/N): "And that should be all the songs I need to make a good impression."

Looking up from your scroll, you noticed most people were looking at a news report on a holographic screen, reporting on a Faunus riot, but what caught your eye was a rather busty blonde enveloping a younger girl in a red hood in a crushing hug. The temptation to go over and introduce yourself was there but was interrupted when the news report switched over, a holographic picture of a woman in a corset and miniskirt taking its place. You had met her a few times before with Qrow, it was Glynda.

Glynda: "Good morning and welcome to Beacon."

Busty Blonde: "Who's that?"

Glynda: "I am professor Goodwitch."

Busty Blonde: "Oh." You stifled a laugh at the comment, which got you a smirk from said blonde as you merely nodded back.

Glynda kept talking but her voice faded into the background as you saw a blonde guy ran past you, clutching his stomach and mouth, clearly motion sick.

(Y/N): 'Poor guy...'

Red Riding Hood: "Eww, it's on your shoe!" You looked towards the two girls and you saw the blonde freaking out about the sick on her shoe while repeatedly saying 'gross'.

(Y/N): 'This is gonna be an interesting few years.'

You heard a few Ooo's and Ahh's from the other teens, looking out the large viewing window you saw Beacon Academy in all of its glory.

{Le timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) putting Chibi Blake in a box.}

You watched as Vomit Boy shot straight out of the airship, immediately sticking his head in a bin as he spewed what he had left. Watching other teens pass him by without a second glance you sighed and walked over.

(Y/N): "You gonna be ok there bud?" You asked patting his back while grimacing as it just made him spew more.

Vomit Boy: "Y-yea... I'll be fine, just gimme me a minute..." You nodded to yourself and kept rubbing his back, until an explosion drew your attention.

(Y/N): "I'll be right back."

Walking over to the sound you saw the red riding hood girl from the airship and, what you could easily recognise as, a Schnee.

(Y/N): 'Oh joy, another one. Just when I thought I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore...' You thought to yourself annoyed.

Red Riding Hood: "I said I was sorry princess!"

(Y/N): "Actually, judging by the attitude, dress sense and the aura of entitlement she exudes, I'd say she's an heiress to the Schnee Dust Company." You interrupted the fight, taking both of the girls attention, as the Schnee started glaring at you too.

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