Yakko's First Kiss

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~Yakko's POV~

As I was cuddling Rachel in the hot spring, I felt toasty warm with her. "Hmm..." I hummed softly.

"Feeling better?"

I looked up at her and smiled. "Much better. It's like this hot spring is melting away every one of my worries."

"That's good. You want to float?"


"And don't worry, I'll help you." she said as she got up and started to float me on my back.

"Whoa." I chuckled. "This feels so weird floating in hot water."

She giggled. "I'm used to it." she said as she had her hands on my back as I was floating.

"Wow. This is nice." I smiled up at her.

"That's good. I'm glad that you're getting used to being in the water with me. Even though we're in a hot spring."

"Yeah. You can't really be in cold water or you'll turn into a statue. Right?"

"Yeah. Right." she nodded.



"I love you."

"Aww, I love you too Yakko." she said as she kissed my nose.

I wiggled my nose after that kiss. "Hey." I chuckled. I sat up from the warm water and kissed her nose too.

"Oh." she blushed as she wiggled her nose.

"Gotcha." I said as I was touching noses with her. "This is the best date ever."

"Our best first date ever." she corrected me.

"Yeah. That too." I smiled at her.

(2 hours later...)

We were at the McDonald's grabbing something to eat and then we ate on the bench outside. "This is something I haven't tried yet."

"What? Eating outside?"

"Well eating McDonald's outside on a bench with my soulmate."

"Aww Yakko." she smiled.

I chuckled as I was eating my cheeseburger.

(Later on...)

As I was walking Rachel home, we were holding hands with each other talking. As I reached her house, I looked up at her. "Umm Rach..?"

"Yes Yak?" I smiled.

"I had a great time spending tonight with you."

"Me too Yakko. Me too." she smiled and carried me into her arms. "That had to be my first date that I'll never ever forget."


"Ever. Thank you for being the best boyfriend." she hugged me.

"And for you being the best girlfriend ever." I said as I wagged my tail and embraced her. As I was hugging her, my heart was thumping in my chest pretty hard, thinking if I should tie off the night or not. "Umm... Rach..?"

She giggled as she looked at me. "Yeah?"

"I wanna do something. Can you close your eyes for me?" I asked asked her as I jumped off of embrace.

"Is it one of your funny gags?"

"No. It's not. I promise."

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart and hope to eat pie." I said as I crossed my chest. "Now get on your knees."

"Okay." she giggled as she got on her knees and closed her eyes.

I gulped and took in a deep breath as I closed my eyes. I placed my hands on her furry cheeks and started to lean in. My heartbeat was going faster and faster as I was leaning in closer. As I leaned in much closer to her beautiful face, I pressed my lips on her lips. 'Oh my god! I'm kissing her!' my thoughts excitingly spoke in my mind.

I felt her kiss back which was making me blush red. I felt her hands snaking around my forearms as if she was holding me captive. I kissed her deeply and the sounds that I heard from her lips made me blush really red. The air was calling my name and I pulled back to see a string of our spit connecting us from our lips. "My god." I wiped off my mouth.

"W-Wow Yakko." she said as she touched her lips.

"That was... amazing." my eyes turned into stars.

She giggled. "I can't believe that you kissed me. What made you do that?"

"W-Well I was thinking about do it to you for a long time since we started dating. But I was shy on how to do it to a girl like you." I said it in embarrassment.

"Is this because Wakko got his kiss first?"

"Umm... yes. That too."

"Aww." she smiled and held my cheek.

"Hmm?" I looked at her.

"At least you got it. You wanna try it again?"

"Can I?"

"I thought you'd never ask." she said as she kissed my lips first this time.

I kissed her back as I held her cheeks once more. I could feel all the love coming from her and it felt really nice to kiss her. Her lips are as warm as the hot spring and her taste was out of this world. Literally. In my thoughts, it was the best kiss ever.

As we both pulled away, I looked at her piercing green eyes. "You're so beautiful. And I'm the luckiest Animaniac to have a person like you to come into my life."

"And you're the best boyfriend I can ever ask for. You've got everything. You're funny, cute, handsome, and a great kisser."

"Aww Rach. You're making me blush." I chuckled as I was rubbing the back of my neck.

She got up and dusted herself off. "I had a wonderful time with you tonight."

"Just as wonderful as you are."

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." she said as she opens the door to her house.

"Goodnight Rachel." I blew a kiss at her.

She fought and placed it at her lips. "Goodnight everybody." she winked at me.

I laughed as she said my usual line. "You're good at it."

"I learned that line from the best." she giggled.

"Is that me?"

"Yep." she nodded.

I smiled at her. "I'm glad."

"Me too. Goodnight Yakko." she blew a kiss at me.

I jumped up to catch it and put it in my pocket while I heard her giggling. I waved to her as I started making my way home. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." she waved and closed the door.

As I was making my way down the long block, I went into the movie lot and walked to the water tower. I climbed up the tall ladder and opened the door. When I closed it, I saw Wakko and Dot were asleep on the couch. I smiled at the both of them and carried each of them to their beds. After I tucked both of them in their beds, I went into my bed and tucked myself in. As I was falling asleep, I felt myself falling into a dreaming void.

As I was sleeping, I was dreaming about our first kiss that we've shared. It caused me to lay on my side and smile in my sleep. I was really happy that Rachel is my forever girl. And I'll cherish her... forever.

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