Found Memories

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~Yakko's POV~

(2 days later...)

*October 24th*

As I was walking to the movie lot with Rachel, I was writing the last few parts of the final dream. After the last page was done, I closed it. "Wow. The last page of the dream journal is complete."

"You filled out your first book babe." Rachel said.

"I never did that before." I looked at her.

"Well that's something new coming from you."

"I'll say." I said as we passed the gate to the entrance of the movie lot. We made our way to the Psychiatrist Office and went inside of it. After we signed ourselves in with Hello Nurse, we sat down to wait.

The door opened and Aqua came to us, "Hey big brother, hey big sister." she greeted us. "Come on in."

"Okay." I said as we both went inside of her office and sat on the couch. Wakko and Dot were inside with her. "Hey sibs."

"Hey Yakko." Wakko wagged his tail.

"Hey big brother." Dot smiled softly.

"Okay. Let's get started." Aqua said as she sat in the top of her desk. "So, it's passed a week since I gave you that dream assignment. Right?"

"Yes Doctor." I said as I gave her the journal. "Filled up the whole book."

"I second that." Aqua opened it to see all the pages filled with words and pictures. "Ooh, this is like a story built for me. You should be an author or illustrator."

"Babe, what does it say?" Wakko asked.

"Oh yes. I should read this out loud to you guys. If it's okay Yakko."

"Yeah. It's okay. Everyone should hear this." I nodded my head.

"Okay..." she took a deep breath and started reading. "In my dreams, I saw a fire and 2 figures that looked like my parents. They told me to run away with my siblings Wakko and Dot. But as we fled, they told us to live on. Then they vanished with the flames engulfed with it."

"Whoa... it boggles the mind." Wakko said.

"Anything else?" Dot asked.

"Just then there was a strange figure that tried to grab me, but we got caught. This strange man took me and my siblings to an orphanage and that's where we've stayed for the longest. It was a hard and difficult time trying to raise my siblings. But I was still hoping that my mom and dad would come back for us..." she sniffled. "My god..."

"Are you okay sis?" I asked her.

"I-I'm fine. I-I'll keep reading."

"Okay. Just asking."

She wiped her face with the sleeve of her jacket. "But... they never came for us. And as for the stranger, he sent us away to a water tower. He told this chubby person to never let us out of the water tower. Never to be seen or heard from anyone. But I was determined to figure out who wanted to end our suffering."

"My goodness Yakko." Rachel hugged me.

"After what felt like decades, we were finally out of the water tower. Our energy was never released at the moment, but we started to run wild everywhere in this new place we call home. Whenever we go around this new place, we like to be naughty. That is, until we met 2 special ladies that have forever changed our lives." her ears perked up and looked at me.

I smiled a bit. "How was that?"

"I-It's amazing. By the time I decrypt this dream, we should have our answers." she said as she got down from her desk and went to her filing cabinet.

"Did I really change your life forever babe?" Rachel asked me.

"Yes, you did." I looked at her and held her hands. "Since the first time I met you as a kid toon, I looked up to you like a mom."


"Yes. You and Aqua helped take care of us. And I was really happy that we found people like you to help us."

"W-Well you know, we're just people that help anyone out."

"Not just helping people, but also changing their lives."


"And I could never ask for a better person such as yourself." I made her look up to me.

"Thank you baby. Thank you." Rachel smiled at me and hugs me. I hugged her back.

"Hmm? What's this?" Aqua said.

We looked over to see that she found 3 very old brown papers. She used her reading glasses and gasped at the discovery.

"What is it babe?" Wakko asked her.

"T-These are your birth certificates!" Aqua smiled.

"What really?!" I looked and gasped to see that it had our pictures on it. "Wow! But wait..." I looked closer to see that I had a different name. "My name is Prince William Henry Warner?"

"Whoa! What's my name?!" Wakko frantically looked at his name on his certificate. "Prince George Edward Warner?"

"Interesting." Aqua smiled.

"And I already know my name. My name is Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Franchesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III." Dot said with confidence.

"Sounds to me that you guys are a part of the royal family." Rachel smiled.

"Hmm... it says that you guys were born in... Warnerstock." Aqua said. "And your birthdays are pretty different from each other."

"When is our birthdays?" I asked.

"Dot's birthday is on May 10th, Wakko's birthday is on February 15th. And your birthday is on September 13th."

"A day before my birthday. I'm September 14th."

"Neat." I smiled at her.

"So babe, where is this so called Warnerstock place at?" Wakko asked his girlfriend.

"I don't know. But I'll find a way." Aqua said as she kept the birth certificates in her jacket. "Hey, you'll never know if you guys could be the future heirs of the throne."

"That is if we have a chance of finding them."

"You're right about that brother. We should do our search on finding Warnerstock."

"Warnerstock could be anywhere in the world bro. If we found a map, then it would make things easier."

"I agree with Wakko babe." Rachel hugged me. "That place can be anywhere from here. But we'll find some other way to find it."

I looked down. "You're right." I hugged her back. "I'm getting a bit ahead of myself there. Finding out that we're a part of the royalty family changes everything. Our past, our names, and our parents."

"But I like the names that you guys gave yourselves. It makes you guys special."

"We do too. It would be weird if you called me by my royalty name." I chuckled. "I'm just glad that we found a useful piece to what happened to us. We couldn't have done this without you girls." I kissed Rachel.

She giggled as she kissed me back. "Mmm~"

"Get a room you 2!" Wakko said.

I pulled back. "We're in a room!"

"Well not in my office!" Aqua laughed which caused the rest of us to laugh.

I was really glad that we were able to find a link to our royalty past thanks to the help of our 2 new special friends forever.

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