The Sleepover Part 3

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~Aqua's POV~

As I saw Wakko get off of me and got out of the water, I was sure that he was feeling embarrassed. I swam up to him and held his hand. "Wakko? Are you okay?"

"No I'm not." he mumbled.

"I know you're feeling embarrassed now but... but it's okay."

"It is?" he slowly picked up his head.

"Yeah. It's okay. Really." I said as I rubbed his wet and furry cheek.

"But I squeezed it."

"Well, umm..." I blushed. "In special language, that means that I'm yours."

"Really? You're mine?"

"Particularly speaking... yes." I nodded. "You even made me... made me..." I blushed more and whisper into his ear. "Moan."

"What's a moan? And why are you whispering?" he said quietly.

"Shh." I hushed him using my finger.

"Mmm." he hummed.

"A moan is a sound that someone makes when they feel pain or pleasure."

"Pleasure?" he tilted his head to the side.

"Something that feels really good."

"Ohh, so I made you feel really good?"

"Y-Yeah." I blushed more and pulled back a strand of my hair to the back of my ear. "I... I've never felt pleasure like that in a really long time."

"Well, I'm glad that I could make you feel good baby." he smiled and wagged his tail.

"Thanks Wakko. Feeling better?"

"Much better. Thank you." he said as he got up and hugged me.

"You're welcome." I hugged him back and brought him with me into the water, embracing him like there was no tomorrow.

"Aww, isn't that sweet?" Rachel said.

I looked up to see that Rachel and Yakko were there in their swimsuits. "Hey guys, you're gonna swim too?" I asked and put Wakko on my back.


"Y-Y-Yeah." Yakko said nervously.

"What's wrong with him sis? He looks like he's gonna explode into a thousand pieces."

"He can't swim." she shook her head.

"Is that so? Well don't worry about a thing Yakko, we're all here for you. I can teach you how to swim."

"Really?" Yakko looked at me.

"Yeah. And just in case you feel unsafe, just let me know. I'm a mermaid." I winked at him and showed him my tail. "See?"

"Wow!" he and Dot said at the same time while their eyes sparkled.

"Okay you show off. Is the water warm?" Rachel said as she looked at the thermostat.

"Yeah sis, 105 degrees warm in here."

"Huh, and I thought Wakko peed in the pool." Dot said.

"It's not me!" Wakko said.

"But why does the water need to be very warm here?"

"So it would be safe for Rachel to swim in here. She can't swim in cold water or else she'll be a rock. Right?" Yakko asked.

"That's right." Rachel said as she goes into the water. "Come on Yakko."


She picked him up and slowly placed him in the water at the ledge where he can hang onto. He was shaking immediately, even though the water was still at a toasty 105 degrees. "It's okay Yakko, we're all here."

"I-I can't h-help it."

"Hold on." Rachel said as she held Yakko near her chest and hugged him. "It's okay Yakko, we're not gonna let you go. Never."

"O-Okay Rachel. I trust you."

"Wakko, do you have a floaty?" I looked back at him.

"I should have one in my gaggy baggy. I'll go check." Wakko said as he jumped off my back to the ledge of the pool, then started searching in his special bag. "Toothpaste no, cake no, potty no... aha!" he pulled out a neck ring floaty and gave it to me. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Here Yakko, this floaty will help you stay above water." I said as I put it around his neck carefully.

"Huh, it feels weird." he said.

"Okay sis. You can put him down, carefully."

"Okay." she said and slowly dips him in the water.

"Whoa." he hesitated.

"You're okay Yakko. Now the first order in business while you're in the water, is learning how to tread in the water." I explained.

"Okay, how do I do that?"

"It's really simple my special friend." I smiled as I swam around him. "You move your arms and legs. For the arms you wave them back and forth or make circles. And for the legs you kick them back and forth."

"Okay, I'll try." he said as he started moving a bit.

"I'll watch you from underwater. And don't be scared if you feel anything, I'll be down there guiding you." I said as I went under the water. I supervised Yakko's movement and gently guided his arms. I swam back up to the surface to see how he was doing.

"He's doing great sis." Rachel said as she was sitting on the ledge with Dot on her lap with Wakko sitting next to her.

"Great job Yakko, let's try that part again without the floaty."

"Why?" he looked at me.

"Because if you were thrown out to sea with no floaty around, then you would have no choice but to tread in the water."

"Oh. Okay."

"It's gonna be the same thing again, but with no floaty. And like I said before if you feel unsafe, I'll bring you back to Rachel."

"Okay Aqua. I trust you."

"Good. Now let's take this off." I swam up to him as I made his feet get onto my tail flukes.


"I gotcha." I smiled and took off the floaty around his neck. "Okay, do the same movements like I guided you. Ready?"

"Ready Freddy."

I nodded slowly and gently made his feet get off of my tail flukes. I witnessed him treading the water with a bit of a struggle. I went under to guide his arms like before and went back up to check on him. "Everything okay?"

"Hey, I'm doing it! I'm doing it!"

"Hooray!" Wakko and Dot cheered.

"Great job babe!" Rachel clapped her paws for him.

I clapped as well. "Yakko. Can you try swimming to me?" I asked him.

"How do I do that?" he asked me.

"It's like the movements you're already doing, but you lean yourself forward and keep moving."

"Okay. I'm ready." he said as he started swimming towards me.

"You got this Yakko. Keep going." I said as I held out my arms to him. As he swam up to me, I picked him up. "You did it Yakko! He did it guys!" I laughed with him.

"Awesome!" Wakko cheered.

"Yay!" Dot smiled.

"Baby!" Rachel goes into the water and swam to us. She hugs Yakko and showered him with kisses all over his face.

"Hey that tickles!" Yakko laughed.

"Aqua!" Wakko jumps in to swim to me and hugs me. "I'm so happy!"

I giggled and hugged him back. "Me too Wakko." I smiled. We continued having a good time swimming until everyone was worn out. I was glad to help out Yakko to help him learn the most important lesson that could save his life.

((To be continued...))

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