Chapter 41

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The drive over to the restaurant is awkward. At least for me, that is. Mom and Caleb don't seem to feel the same, as they're chatting away happily like old buddies. Mads, who knows nothing about my newfound mistrust toward Caleb, is looking between him and me with a small frown, clearly wondering why I'm not over the moon with his surprise visit.

I'm sitting rigidly, tapping my fingers on my thigh as I think about Tyler and his reaction to Caleb. He's riding with his dad and Bella, and I'm sure he's not going to say anything to them, so he's probably still angry. Which I understand, now that I know that Caleb might not have been as great as I always thought he was.

I still can't believe Tyler thinks I'd invite Caleb to the show. Why in the world would I do that? As if I don't have enough drama in my life as it is without bringing back old boyfriends who might or might not have been responsible for our friendship ending all those years ago.

"Honey, you okay?" mom's voice penetrates my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I still my fingers and look over at her.

"I asked if you're okay. You look a little pale," she sounds a bit worried, her eyes flickering between me and the road. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

"Oh, I don't think so," I avert her searching gaze. "I  guess I'm still just going over the performance in my head, you know," I shrug nonchalantly. "Since it was so intense."

She nods. "That was an emotional performance. I'm sure it takes a while to shake it off."

"Yeah," I absently agree. In truth, I've already forgotten it in the light of my new problem that's sitting right next to me.

"We're here," mom announces as she pulls into a parking lot near my favorite Italian place.

"The others are already here," Mads announces, even though we can all see the Perkinses and Chamberses already waiting on the curb.

"Great," I hastily unbuckle myself and hop out of the car like it's on fire. Unfortunately while I'm walking around the car, Caleb climbs out of his side and falls into step with me. Then he shocks me by throwing his arm around my shoulders like we're bests of buds or something.

I can't help but stiffen but either he doesn't notice or he's ignoring it, as he keeps his arm around me while we continue walking. I gulp as I lift my gaze to Tyler, who is clenching his fists tight by his side, his eyes cold. Evan stands next to him, whispering something in his ear.

"Uh," I try to shove Caleb's arm off as politely as I can muster, my lips stretching into a tight smile. "Your arm is kinda heavy," I make up a bad excuse as he raises a brow questioningly.

"Oh, sure," he shrugs apologetically.

Mads shoots me a "what's going on?" look but I just shake my head at her. Too long of a story.

"Let's get in" Mr. Chambers motions us toward the restaurant and we all pile in. We're seated at a corner table for ten and as I sit down between Tyler and Bella — who insisted on sitting next to me — I notice Caleb has ended up right across from me. Coincidental? I think not.

Tyler directs a sour look in his direction, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"You just have to behave for an hour or two," I whisper to Tyler. "Then we can leave and you never have to see him again."

The vein in his neck throbs but he nods stiffly. I almost exhale with relief. I don't need some showdown between the two guys in front of all our families right now. Or ever, for that matter.

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