Chapter 13

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"Well done in the meet!" the coaches clap when we've all gathered in front of them on the field. "Today you get to choose between yoga, light weightlifting, or light jogging and stretching. No hard workouts today, you hear me? Now get going!"

"Yoga?" Olive throws her arm across my shoulders.

"Yoga," I smile back and follow most of the girls to the stretching room that joins the weight room. "I'm in serious need of some relaxation."

Olive smiles sympathetically. I called her late last night and told her everything. She was there for me four years ago, so it's only fitting she knows what's going on now.

One of the girls puts her phone on speaker and picks out relaxing music. We all roll out mats and do our own thing.

After practice is over, I take my time leaving. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, and so I trail to the parking lot far behind my peers. I'm so deep in my thoughts, looking at the ground as I walk, that I don't even notice the person leaning against my car before I'm standing right in front of them.

Tyler is wearing gray sweatpants and a blue tank top that shows off his muscled arms and chest. I try not to drool. Just because he's hot doesn't mean I want to look at him, especially now.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, my tone less than welcoming. I hate that it was him who saw me fall apart. He's the last person I want to see me at my weakest moments.

"Well, see, I had practice too," he smirks.

"Ha-ha." I narrow my eyes at him. "Move."

He steps aside so that I can throw my bag in my car. When I turn back around, he's standing in front of me, too close. My eyes flicker to his knuckles, which seem to be bruised and raw. What the hell happened to him? I wonder briefly before deciding I don't really care.

"What do you want?" I snap. I can't deal with him right now.

"To check you're okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Why would you care? I want to ask but hold my tongue.

He raises a brow. "I'm not stupid, you know."

"I didn't know, actually," I sneer at him, hoping he'll leave, "but thanks for letting me know."

He closes his eyes and seems to be praying for patience. "When did it happen?"

"When did what happen?" I avert my gaze, knowing my eyes will give me away.

He gives me a look that says 'stop playing dumb'. "When did he leave?"

"Why do you care?" I shoot back. For four years he hasn't cared one bit about my business, so why start now?

"Because..." he looks uncomfortable, "it was that summer, wasn't it?"

"So what if it was?" I cross my arms defensively. "You didn't care then, why would you care now?"

"I—" He opens his mouth, then closes it. He seems to be battling for the right words. "I didn't know."

"Well, duh," I say, "I wanted it that way."

It was a terrible summer. I cried for most of it, both because of Tyler and my father. I'm just lucky I had Caleb there comforting me, as well as all of my friends. Freshman year was even harder, both with Tyler treating me like crap, dad ghosting us, and then Caleb moving away halfway through the year.

"Because I was an ass to you," he nods.

"No shit, Sherlock," I roll my eyes. "Ready to tell me why?"

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