Chapter 8

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I wake up at ten, having slept only six hours, if even that. Olive drank a bit too much and kept running to the bathroom at night and as the good friend I am, I held her hair up. Jordyn luckily took it a bit more easy, not being much of a drinker. 

We're all squeezed in my king-sized bed and it would be fine if Jordyn wasn't such a bed hogger. She kept turning and turning the whole night and slept like a starfish, her legs and arms thrown out wide. I woke up more than once to hair in my mouth or someone's arm on my face. Fun times.

"Remind me to never sleep with y'all again," I crumble tiredly.

Olive yawns. "You mean her, right?" she nods at Jordyn, who's sitting up and stretching lazily.

"No, I mean the both of you," I throw my legs over the mattress and head to the bathroom. "Next time you're sleeping on the floor."

"I feel awful" Olive groans, lying back down.

"That's what you get for drinking" Jordyn tells her and combs her fingers through her tangled hair.

"Ugh, why does alcohol have to make you feel sick?" our blonde friend whines.

"You want some Advil?" I ask her after I come back from the bathroom.

"Yes, please!" she throws her arm over her eyes, blocking out the light. "My head is killing me."

I nod and skip downstairs, finding Mads eating cereal with her nose buried in a book. How she manages to not spill milk all over, I have no idea.

"Morning," she spares me a quick glance. "How was last night?"

"Okay," I answer truthfully. I could've done without Tyler, but Chase was nice. And the rest of the night I spent with my friends, with Tyler and Evan out of sight, out of mind.

"Cool," she nods and shuts her book. "Hey, you feeling well enough to drive me to Hunter's?"

"Now?" I rummage through the medicine cabinet for the Advil.

"Well, whenever you're up to it."

"I'll take you now if you make me a cup of coffee to go while I go change." I'm wearing a silk camisole and shorts, not something I want to be seen in public.

"Deal," she grins and gets up and I skip back upstairs.

"Here," I hand Olive the pill and a glass of water. "I'm gonna give Mads a ride but I'll be back soon," I say as I start pulling on jeans and a blue hoodie. I don't bother fixing my hair or doing my makeup as I'm planning on spending the day at home.

"Kay" Jordyn says, sitting cross legged on my plush light pink loveseat and typing on her phone.

I grab my phone and keys and hurry downstairs where Mads is waiting for me with my coffee in a thermos.

"Thanks," I take it and lead the way to the car. Mads is texting someone rigorously but looks up when we set off.

"Can we go get Elliot on the way?"

"Sure thing," I turn on to the right street and hold back a yawn. I'm used to sleeping solid eight hours a night, so these late nights are really messing up my rhythm.

I sip on my coffee as I drive and soon pull up behind Evan's parked Mercedes. My sister texts Elliot, I presume, and I lean my head against the headrest and close my eyes.

"He'll be right out," she informs me and I nod, dreaming I'm still in bed. After a few minutes I hear the back door opening and closing.

"Hi" Elliot greets me smiling. "Thanks for picking me up."

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