Chapter 24

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"How stupid can you be, man!" Evan shakes his head disbelievingly when I tell him about what I did last night.

"I know," I groan and drag my hands down my face. "I'm an idiot, okay?"

"You don't say," he says wryly and parks the car in his usual slot near the doors. I know he's angry at me mainly because he and Nora are friends now and he doesn't want to see her hurt.

"You can't tell her," I warn him, afraid of what she'll do to me if she finds out about Jenny. I violated the one rule we had. One. I'm a dead man walking.

If she did what I did... no, don't go there, man. Fuck, I'm seeing red even thinking about her getting it on with another guy.

"I won't" Evan promises me, sounding tired. "I'm staying the hell out of this one."

"You think Jenny will keep her trap shut?"

He shrugs. "They aren't friends, are they?"

"I don't think so," I frown, thinking. I've never seen them hang out together, at least. Jenny doesn't exactly fit into Nora's circle of friends.

"Well then, you've got nothing to worry about. It's not like Jenny knows about you and Nora, so she has no reason to blab."

"Right," I nod, relieved. I can't believe I let her touch me yesterday.

"Speaking of the devil..." he trails off, looking at something ahead.

I follow his gaze to the front entrance, where Jenny stands looking directly at me, clearly having waited for me to arrive. She's twirling a lock of brown hair in her fingers, nervously gnawing at her bottom lip.

I groan. I told her I'm done with her so what the hell does she want?

Evan chuckles, clearly enjoying my misery. "Shouldn't have gone to her house yesterday."

"I know, okay? Fuck, I know."

We reach Jenny and she immediately attaches herself to my side. Evan looks from me to her and shakes his head. "I'll leave you to it," he laughs and makes his way to a group of cheerleaders standing by the lockers.

Great, just great. Thanks, buddy.

"What happened yesterday?" Jenny immediately pulls me to the side so that we won't be overheard. "Why did you leave?"

"I just wasn't feeling it," I shrug my shoulders like it's no big deal.

She narrows her blue eyes at me. "You're always feeling it."

"Well, not this time," I snap at her, annoyed she's still here. How hard is it to understand the word "no"?

She crosses her arms over her chest, looking suspicious, "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing," I sigh, already tired of this conversation. Why can't she just leave me alone? How many times do I have to tell her that I'm not interested anymore for it to sink in?

"I don't buy it," she scowls. "You've been acting weird for the past few weeks. I hear you've turned down everyone else, too."

"You have a club or something?" I almost laugh in her face. "You chat about me and how many times I've fucked each of you?" How pathetic.

"You're such an asshole!" she raises her voice and a few people turn to look. I send them a glare and they hurry off quickly.

"Yeah, I know," I turn back to her. "You just figuring that out now?"

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