Chapter 34

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The next morning as I park my car in the usual spot, I take a deep breath before climbing out. Mads waves me bye and hurries off to find her friends, but I take my time adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder and smoothing down my hair before heading to the front doors of the school.

I'm nervous. I have no idea what to expect now that Tyler and I are together. We didn't actually talk about if we would keep it a secret for now or just come out and say it. I really  dread his past fuck-buddies' reaction when they find out he's no longer available. If the rest are anything like that chick Jenny, I'm in for a real treat.

"Wipe that frown off your face, girl" Olive's bright voice reaches me just before she snakes an arm around my waist, scaring the crap out of me. I didn't even see her approach.

"What frown?" I bump my hip against hers, trying to relax my facial muscles.

Olive rolls her eyes in response. "Puh-lease. I could see something is bothering you from across the lot."

I sigh. "I just don't need a repeat of the beginning of the year." I reference the rumor mill about my break-up with Zane. People kept gossiping about us for weeks afterwards, as if it was some big deal. And with the whole school familiar with the years worth of animosity between me and Tyler, I can only imagine their reaction to us dating. I just want to spend the last couple months of high school in peace.

"Who cares what people think?" Olive pulls me through the crowded hallway to our first class. "You won't be seeing most of them after graduation, anyway."

True. I honestly don't know why I care. I didn't used to.

"Come on," she nudges me to a chair next to hers. "There's two periods before you'll even see him. Stop worrying so much. It causes wrinkles."

I snort. "Because that's such a timely problem for me."

"It will be if you keep frowning like that," she smirks and opens her textbook just as the bell rings.

"Whatever you say."

The teacher comes in then and I try my best to push my silly problems to the back of my mind and concentrate on the lesson.

The first two classes go by quickly, and soon I find myself walking to my third period with Evan in tow. He's been jabbing jokes about me and Tyler to me the whole last hour, which does not help with my nerves at all. Tyler will be in my next class and I have no idea what to expect from him.

We round the corner and my breath hitches when I see him leaning against a wall, looking as handsome as ever. His bored expression turns into that of self-satisfaction as he notices me checking him out.

Evan snickers and I realize I've stopped in my tracks in my drooling. Blushing slightly, I shoot daggers at him with my eyes and then swallow hard as I start walking toward Tyler. He straightens himself and takes a few steps in my direction, a huge grin on his lips.

"Hey," I say awkwardly as I come to a stop in front of him.

He shakes his head and looks at me amused. "I don't think I've ever seen you like this."

"Like what, exactly?" I raise a brow at him, acutely aware that I would only need to take one more step to be in his arms.

"All flustered," he grins, clearly enjoying this.

"I'm not flustered," I playfully swat at his hard chest to try to mask my furious blushing. What the hell is happening to me?

His arm snakes out and takes a hold of mine before I can pull it back. His touch sends shivers through my body and my heart picks up speed. Calm down, heart.

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