Chapter 26

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I finally see Tyler in track, but I can't very well confront him during practice, so I settle for glaring at his back, bristling with anger. I notice Evan looking at me worriedly, clearly noticing the mood I'm in.

Even the endorphins from working out don't make me feel better, so I'm almost glad when practice is finally over and everyone starts heading home. I grab my stuff, deciding to take a shower when I get home so that Tyler doesn't have a change to slip away. With the strap of my gym bag digging into my shoulder, I wait by Evan's car.

It doesn't take long for the two guys to arrive. They share an uneasy glance when they see me waiting. I'm sure my my anger is all over my face.

"I'm just going to, uh, go ahead and..." Evan starts, looking between his friend and me uncomfortably, slowly edging toward the driver's side of his car.

"No, stay," I tell him, keeping my eyes on Tyler the whole time. "He's going to need a ride home."

Tyler flinches, but says nothing. He sticks his hands in the pockets of his shorts and avoids looking me in the eyes. Evan leans against his car and looks at the ground like it's the most fascinating thing ever.

"Is it true?" I ask Tyler, my tone clipped.

"Is what true?" He looks nervous.

I glare at him. I'm sure he can guess what this is about. "I had an interesting run in with a chick of yours. Jenny, was it? Lovely girl."

His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows and finally looks up. "I'm sure whatever she said, she was lying. She does that a lot."

"Is that so?" I cross my arms, leveling him with a steady look. "Because she seemed quite sure that you were at her house the day before yesterday. But I mean, that would be just crazy, wouldn't it?" I let out a humorless laugh. "Because you didn't fuck her and then the day after fuck me, right?"

Evan is starting to look incredibly uncomfortable and I catch him wince at my words.

"I didn't!" Tyler's brown eyes widen in panic. "I didn't fuck her."

I raise a brow skeptically, hating to be lied to.

"I didn't," he raises his arms defensively. "For real." His eyes betray him; there's quilt in them.

"I don't believe you," I tell him truthfully. "I mean, that's what you do. You mess around with everyone with boobs and I was stupid enough to think you'd actually restrain yourself just because you said so."


"I can't believe I fell for it!" I shake my head at my own idiocy. "We can't be friends with benefits because we're not friends! The idea was stupid to start with."

"Nora, I didn't—" he starts but I don't want to hear it.

"I just don't get what you get from this? Was it just to hurt me? To play me? Do you hate me that much?"

"Play you?" he seems to be getting angry, now. "I didn't sleep with Jenny but if I did, why would you be hurt by it? I thought we were strictly physical."

"I..." I search for the right words. I honestly don't know why his betrayal hurts me so much. I never thought I'd care who he sleeps with. But I do. "We are. Were. I don't—"

"He didn't fuck her" Evan pipes in and my eyes flicker to him. He looks at me, his blue eyes unwavering. I narrow my eyes, trying to catch him in a lie but he returns my gaze steadily.

"I didn't" Tyler confirms.

"What were you doing at her house, then? Or was she lying about that, too?" Puh-lease. She might think too much of her... relationship... with Tyler, but I doubt she was lying about everything.

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