Chapter 16

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Soon Saturday arrives and we're holding a dual meet at our school. Home meets are great in that you don't have to sit in a bus at the beginning and end of the day, which saves time. And I just prefer running on familiar track.

Dual meets also don't last as long as really big invitationals, considering there's way less athletes participating, and they're usually a lot less exiting. Usually I thrive for tough competition, but today I'm so tired I just want to get the day over with it.

We're competing against the Cypress Hill Knights, who we're very familiar with. And I l know we're going to dominate the track events, while their team is more focused on the field events. Some boring competition ahead.

"You okay?" Michelle asks me as we head to the locker rooms to drop off our bags.

"No," I yawn, even though it's already eleven. "I haven't been sleeping much."

"Is Maddie still mad at you?" We leave our stuff and head to the field, where the coaches are waiting.

"Yup," I grumble. "I don't think she's going to calm down anytime soon."

She pats me on the back and we shut up as the rest of the team gathers around us and coach Wheeler gives his pep talk.

After his speech, the ones who run the four hundred relay head to warm up. I only signed on to the four hundred meter dash and the mile relay, knowing I don't have it in me today to do more. I'm so exhausted just by the lack of sleep. But I just can't get sleep when I go to bed. I lay there awake, my mind bombarded with memories of dad leaving and the aftermath. And I'm afraid what he's going to do, if he's going to draw Mads back in and somehow steal her from us. Or if he's going to get her hopes up and then cut off all ties, again. I just don't think she could handle it this time.

"Nora?" someone waves a hand in front of my face. I blink and look up to Evan looking at me worriedly.

"Sorry," I try to clear my mind. "Did you say something?"

"I was just asking if you're doing okay, but I guess I got my answer," he tells me, looking at me closely.

"I'm f—"

"Don't say you're fine," he interrupts me. "You're clearly not."

I sigh and lean my head against his shoulder. "I just want to get some sleep. Like, is that too much to ask? I'm so fucking tired."

He puts his arm around me and pulls me tight against his side. "I'm still offering my services as a nighttime cuddle buddy," he winks at me. I roll my eyes and push his side, but can't help but smile.

"I think I'll manage on my own, thanks."

"Your loss," he grins. "Come on, let's go watch the relay. I should be starting any second now..." he checks his watch and his face falls. "Half an hour. It's starting in half an hour."

I laugh. "Yeah. We've got a lot of waiting in front of us."

"Well, it's bound to go by quicker in my dashing company."

I bite back a smile. "Su-u-u-re."


Tyler is on the home stretch, the baton tightly in his left hand as he sprints toward the finish line. The other guys are all a few feet behind him; they have no chance of catching up. And he finishes strong, bringing victory to his team.

Our second relay team comes in second, followed close by the Knights' best team. Yeah, not much of a race.

The mile run is next, and it's run with the boys and girls all at the same time, since there's really not that many participants in the event. Olive comes in first of the girls, Michelle third. I clap along with everyone else.

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