Chapter 49

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My feet hit the ground as I run, run, run. I'm flying past houses, through yards, over crosswalks. My heart is beating faster than ever, pumping blood to my body until it's all I can hear. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.

My feet finally come to a stop and I brace my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. Only then do I look up to where my feet took me.

I swirl around, taking in the old, now abandoned playground where Tyler and I used to play as kids. Where I made the promise to always be his friend. When life was much simpler.

I walk to the swings, the only structures still standing, reaching out a hand to touch the cold steel chain. Memories fill my head. Tyler and I seeing who could get higher. Tyler and I seeing who could jump farther. Tyler grinning from ear to ear. Tyler cracking a joke and making me laugh so hard tears were falling from my eyes. Tyler holding my hand as we swung back and worth. Tyler helping me get up after I fell from the swing and scraped my knees. Tyler kissing the pain away. Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. Always Tyler.

I sit down on the swing, my legs now so long I have to bend my knees as I start to slowly swing back and forth. My breathing grows steadier, my body relaxing.

Tyler was the brightest spot of my existence. He was always there, the constant no matter what was happening at home. He joined track so we could spend more time together, because practice was filling a lot of my days. He made me run faster, which in turn made dad sometimes okay with him tagging along to the track after school. Tyler made me better. He also made me laugh the hardest.

I always kept a brave front with everybody else, but Tyler I let in. I told him of my fear of failing, of not being good enough. I told him about dad, that first time he hit me. Tyler got so angry over that. He hugged me tight that day, wiping away my tears as I clung to him. Then he made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt and cheeks cramped.

Tyler invited me to Sunday-fundays with his family, knowing I was lonely with mom and dad always gone, with dad only spending time with me at the track. Tyler saw me like nobody else. He could take a quick look at my face and know what I was thinking, feeling. He knew me better than anyone.

We were always together, two-in-one, his dad used to joke. Inseparable. Maybe that's why it hurt Tyler so much when he thought I'd ignored him for Caleb. Why he felt so betrayed that I wasn't there for him during the worst time of his life. Because until that, he was always there for me.

And that betrayal, that grief of losing both his mother and best friend only days apart, that made him closed-off for a while, made him lose his faith in people. But he's been thawing for a while now, letting people in, letting me in. He's back to his old self, before all the shit happened. He's back to being that amazing, sweet, funny guy I couldn't wait to see every day.

He's the one of us who's grown more this year. He's the strong one, he always has been. And maybe that's enough. Maybe he can be strong and brave for the both of us. Because sitting here where it all started, letting in the memories and feelings my heart has been trying to protect all these years, has made me realize he would never hurt me again. Not on purpose. Not the guy I know. Because he loves me, always has, even if it took me all this time to realize it.

I wipe an escaped tear from my eye and lean my cheek against the cold chain. It's a feeling like no other, being loved by Tyler Chambers. My whole body fills with warmth and love and trust. And suddenly I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing here all alone when I could be with him, in his safe embrace.

I laugh at my own stupidity, my eyes tearing up, and abandon the swing as I take off running again. But instead of running away, I'm running towards something. Toward happiness. Toward love. And I know I'm making the best decision of my life.

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