Chapter 9

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On Sunday at noon I park my car on the street in front of Michelle's house. She's already waiting for me outside, dressed for running. We're doing six miles today. She runs a lot of miles a week and I sometimes tag along since it's good for building up my endurance.

After our run I head home and take a long shower, then do some homework before getting ready for my date. I decide to wear black skinny jeans and a dark blue blouse, with my hair straightened to perfection.

"So, who is this guy again?" Mads leans against my door frame, her arms crossed.

"Just someone I met at the party," I say as I put on eyeliner and mascara.

"And he's in college?"

"Yup," I answer. "Though I didn't realize to ask what year."

My sister raises a brow, "Did you two even do any talking?"

I give her a look and say, "Of course we did. Just not for long. Besides, that's what this date is about."

"I thought you said you don't have time for dating."

I frown. "Well, I don't, really. But I can always try, right?"

"Right," she doesn't seem convinced.

"What about you? Any cute guys you're interested in?" I make kissy noises at her and she cringes.

"No. No way."

"Girls, then?" Hey, how would I know? We're not exactly close.


"Well, you're still young," I say as if I'm really old myself and she gives me a long look.

The doorbell rings just then.

"Well, see you later!" I grab my purse and run down the stairs. I open the door and find Chase standing there with his hands in his pockets. He smiles the moment he sees me.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," he smiles. "You ready?"

"Yeah, " I check to make sure I have everything I need. "Let's go." I follow him into his black Audi and he starts driving. "Where are we going?"

"I was thinking about that Italian place on Fifth?" he glances at me while keeping his eyes on the road.

"That sounds perfect," I smile. I'm actually very familiar with the restaurant, it being one of my favorite pasta places.

The drive is short and soon we're inside and being ushered to a table. We order drinks and then the waiter leaves us to read the menu, not that I need to. I already know what I want.

"Random question," I say and take a sip of my water, "but I kind of realized I never asked how old you are."

He grins. "Nineteen."

"Oh," I nod. "So not much older, then."

"Nope," he smiles. "What, you were afraid I was a senior or something?"

"Well," I say, "not afraid, exactly. I mean, a four year age gap isn't that bad."

"I guess so," he shrugs. The waiter comes back then and takes our orders. I order pesto chicken while Chase decides on ravioli.

"So," he starts, but I'm not listening as my eyes are drawn to the table next to us, where two people are being seated. A tall brunette wearing a very short dress sits down and I think I recognize her. When the guy turns so that I can see his face, I see I definitely know him. He freezes the moment he sees me.

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