Chapter 5

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(Zane ^ )

"Nora! Wake up!" my sister's annoying voice screeches into my ear.

"What?" I ask groggily, shielding my eyes against the bright light.

"You overslept!" she pulls my covers off me. "We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!"

I groan and check the time. Seven-thirty. Crap.

"Up, up, up!" she pulls on my arm. "I can't be late to class. You know how much I hate it."

"Alright, alright, geez," I push my hair out of my face and swing my feet to the floor. "Calm down, woman."

"I can't," she groans, pushing me toward the bathroom. "Make it quick."

I roll my eyes but obey, taking a speed shower and brushing my teeth before applying mascara. No time for anything else. I pull on washed jeans and a black buttoned-up blouse I stuff in my jeans. I then slip my feet into ankle boots and hurry downstairs where Mads is already waiting for me with a sandwich wrapped in a napkin. She hands it to me wordlessly and I take it gratefully and speed out of the house after her.

We make it just before the tardy bell rings.

"Rough morning?" Connor asks me as I plop down next to him, breathing heavily as I just full out ran from the parking lot.

"You could say," I say as I pull my slightly tangled hair up on a messy bun.

"Zane's staring at you" Audrey leans over Connor to whisper to me and nods her head to the back.

I look up to find my ex indeed eyeing me. I frown and give him a look that says "whatcha staring at?"

He mouths, "I miss you."

"I don't miss you," I mouth back with a disgusted sneer.

He purses his lips and mouths, "I'm sorry. Really."

"I don't give a shit," I silently communicate back to him, lifting up my middle finger to drive the point home. He rolls his eyes, looking annoyed. Not my problem, I huff and turn to face the front, where Mrs. Holcomb is just starting the lecture.


"Nora—" Zane looks at me when the bell rings and everyone gets up to move to the next class. I quickly dart through the people and make it to my second period without him catching up to me.

"Who are you running from?" Evan asks me when I almost run into him in my hurry.

"No one," I lie and sit down next to him. We're supposed to be working on our project today. "Have you come up with any ideas?" I ask to change the subject.

"Not really," he admits sheepishly, "unless you want to write about cheating bastards?"

I make a face. "No thanks, I don't need my dirty laundry exposed in front of the whole school like that." Then I freeze. "Wait, how did you know—?" As far as I'm concerned, no one knows the real truth; there's so many different rumors spread around.

He gives me a look that says he's not stupid. "Because I heard Zane talking about it to Jaxon the other day. Whining something about how he made a stupid mistake and now you won't take him back."

"Yeah, well, I don't want to date an ass."

He holds up his hands. "Nor should you. I'm on your side, girl."

"You are?" I ask, a little surprised. "Aren't you sort of friends?"

"Sure," he admits, "but it doesn't mean I like everything he does."

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