Chapter 12

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Fuck! I slam my fist in to a tree, trying to pound away the anger. But no matter how many times I let my fist fly, I can't forget the devastated look on her face when she saw her dad. She looked so hurt, the pain evident in her eyes, at least for the short moment she wasn't guarding her expression. Then she shut me out, no surprise there. But I didn't miss what happened. That bastard. I always disliked the man, hating how he'd make her feel worthless whenever she didn't come up on top, but this... walking out on his family... what an asshole.

You aren't any better, a nasty voice inside my head tells me. You walked out on her, too. And around the same time, I'm sure of it. That's why I never knew. Because I'd probably already cut her out of my life. No wonder she sometimes seemed so sad during freshman year, whenever she thought no one was looking. And here I'd thought it was because of me. What an arrogant self-absorbed bastard I am.

I breathe raggedly, resting my forehead against the tree. I always believed the rumor that said her parents had divorced peacefully and her dad had moved out of town after a better job, still very much keeping in touch with his daughters. I never thought there was more to it. But the look on her face, like she'd seen a ghost... He's clearly not been around. How could he?

I get more angry just thinking about it. How he could have left her, when all she ever did was try to make him proud of her. How could he just spit on her face like that? Fucking dickhead, not realizing what he had.

Just like me. I did the same thing. But I never wanted to live without her. I never thought I could. Until that weekend. Fuck, I needed her so bad that night. And the night after that. But she wasn't there. Because she was too busy fucking Caleb, that backstabbing motherfucker. I never understood what she saw in him. Sure, he was smooth-talking and okay-looking, I guess, but he was not much beyond that. Certainly not good enough for her. But she chose him anyway. Chose him over me many times, blew me off to hang with him, forgot to text and call me back more times than I could count...

But I would've forgiven her for it all... if it wasn't for the night I needed her more than I needed air to breathe. And she wasn't there. That was the night I decided I wouldn't be there for her anymore, either. I was so hurt, so angry. And so I let her go.

Basically forced her out the door, I wince. I will never forget the way she pleaded with me, the tears on her face as she begged me to not leave her. But my heart had turned cold by then. I had no fucks to give. I didn't care. I wish that was the case now.

I close my eyes, calming down my racing heart before straightening up and walking inside. Dad's already gone to bed, having an early shift tomorrow, so I make my way quietly down to the bathroom to try and wash away the day.



Mads has already gone to bed by the time I get home. I tiptoe to my room and take a shower before falling face first on my bed. I only fall asleep at four in the morning, when the exhaustion finally overrides my brain.

I wake up to the doorbell ringing. I groan and pull a pillow over my head.

"Mads!" I yell when the bell rings for a sixth time. "Get the door!"

Nothing happens. "Mads?" Where is that girl? I huff and roll myself out of bed, my eyes feeling like someone's poured sand in them.

I slouch across the landing and peek into my sister's room. It's empty. She must be out. Figures. On the one morning I want to sleep late... I make my way down the stairs, yelling, "Coming! Damn it!"

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