Chapter 18

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For the following week, Tyler and I avoid each other as much as possible. And when we can't, like in track practice, we speak as little as possible. It's easier to pretend nothing happened than to talk about it since neither of us knows what the hell drove us to make out in the first place.

Mads is still ignoring me, as well. If I'm home, she makes sure to keep in her room, like she can't stand to be in the same space with me. I don't even know if dad's contacted her and if they're talking. It's okay when mom's home, but when she's on one of her trips, it gets really lonely. The house feels bigger and emptier than ever.

I've been concentrating on training to drive out the emptiness, and I'm in the best shape I've ever been. I've been so tired from practices and school that I've had no more trouble falling asleep at night. The last two meets have gone great and I'm really optimistic about my changes to go to state. Now if only Tyler wasn't on the same path.

It's Monday and I'm walking to lunch with Olive, when she suddenly stops.

"Um, let's go another way," she takes my elbow and tries to turn me around.

"What, why?" I frown and look up from my phone.

"No reason," she says nonchalantly.

I narrow my eyes at her and dig in my heels. Then I follow her gaze and realize instantly what she didn't want me to see.

Tyler stands in front of the lockers in a tight embrace with Shannon, one of the varsity cheerleaders. They're making out like their lives depend on it, trying to eat each other's faces off, apparently.

My chest feels tight and I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

"Are you okay?" Olive sounds worried.

I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat and nod. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"


"It's fine," I can't tear my eyes away from the couple sucking face. "There's nothing going on between us. He's free to kiss anyone he wants. It's nothing to me."

Just then Tyler's eyes flicker open and meet mine. He stares at me, seeming to forget what he's doing for a moment there, but then he frowns and goes back to kissing her. Like he doesn't care who sees. Well, he's never cared before, why would he start now?

"Let's go" Olive grabs my hand and pulls me away.

I follow her in a daze, trying to sort out my thoughts. Why the heck do I care who he kisses? He's kissed plenty of girls before and it's never bothered me before. Just because we made out a couple of times doesn't mean he's off limits. Hell, I don't even want to kiss him. So he can do whatever he wants with his mouth. Matters nothing to me. Or so I try to convince myself.

Olive seats me at out table and I distractedly answer everyone's "hello"s and pick at my food. I don't have much of an appetite anymore.

Giggles fill the cafeteria and I look up to see Shannon flicking her blonde locks over her shoulder while holding onto the crook of Tyler's arm. Tyler's jaw is clenched tight but she doesn't seem to notice.

They make their way to a table not too far from ours where Evan is lounging with a half a dozen girls around him, all laughing at something he's saying. Tyler takes a seat and Shannon sits down so close to him she could just as well sit on his lap.

I grip my water bottle a little too tightly and water spurts out.

"Oh, sorry!" I hurry to dry it off and my friends give me odd looks. "What?"

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