Chapter 2

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(Tyler ^ )

I slip into the music room ten minutes late, accidentally interrupting Mr. Tanner's speech, and I give him an apologetic smile before plopping down on one of the chairs. There's only eight students in this class, mostly because most of the musically talented kids of our school are in the marching band. Don't get me wrong, I respect the band geeks and what they do, I just can't imagine myself wearing those horrid uniforms, or marching. Yeah, definitely not my thing.

"As I was saying before Miss Sanders interrupted," Mr. Tanner gives me a pointed look, "we're starting a new project, one that you will be working on for the next few months alongside other smaller projects. You're going to be working in pairs—" everybody cheers, "which I have already decided." The cheers immediately turn into scowls.

I hate it when teacher think that just because you're friends with someone, you can't work with them. I personally think I work better with someone I actually enjoy spending time with, not with someone I either can't stand or get bored with.

"You're all—" he stops mid-sentence when the door flies open and Evan Perkins walks in.

Evan is known as one of the bad boys of the school, popular, a player and a troublemaker. His tall, broad, muscled body attracts girls like flies and so does his handsome face set with light blue eyes. His short dark blond hair is always messy, right now covered under a black hood. Even I can't deny his hotness, even though I in a way known him and what he's like. Like me, he's in the varsity track team, doing the same events, none the less, meaning we've been in a lot of practices and meets together, including the bus rides. We've never really been friends though, as he hangs out mostly with people I can't stand — including himself.

"Ah, Mr. Perkins" Mr. Tanner looks at him down his nose. "Glad you could join us. Next time though, come in time or don't bother coming at all."

"Sure thing" Evan smirks and sits down up front. He flexes his hands behind his head, showing off his tan, muscled arms. I can almost see the drool that flows down the other girls' jaws. Oh dear lord.

Mr. Tanner clears his throat, trying to get everyone's attention. "With the pairs I've assigned to you, you are going to compose your own piece of music. I'm going to give you Tuesdays and Thursdays to work on it in class, but you need to work on it in your free time, as well. I am giving you free hands with this. The piece can be of any genre, have lyrics if you so wish, and include any instruments you want. Since there's only two of you, you can have playback or ask other students to play instruments, as long as you're the ones who compose it. The only requirements are that it has to be at least two minutes long, and must be completely made by the two of you equally, no plagiarism. I'm expecting a report of your progress every Monday."

"Are we going to perform it somewhere?" someone asks.

"Yes, you will all perform your pieces in front of the whole school in the annual concert in spring. You're — as a class — also going to perform an a capella cover of a song of your choosing. We're going to dedicate Wednesdays to that."

My eyes light up. Yay, performing. I'm good at that, so I'm not at all nervous about it, unlike some of my classmates seem to be, at least by judging from the expressions of horror on their faces.

"If you'll listen to me, I'm going to tell you your lucky partners so you can get to work," the teacher's voice cuts through my thoughts. "Cory and Helen. Anna and Matt. Lorraine and Julie, Nora and..." my face falls when I realize who the only person left is, "...Evan."

Evan turns in his chair to look back at me and smiles widely when he sees my unhappy face, then gets up and sits down on the chair next to me. "Nora Sanders," he stretches out my name. "Would you look at this. I guess we'll be spending a lot of time together," he grins.

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