Chapter 1 Preview

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Don't think too much about the pic. Y/n is not related to elf.

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Y/n was currently walking around the military base, waiting for the current meeting to finish until it was finally her turn.

She was still dreaming about her past on where she first ended up here.

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Back then, when Y/n was still a mere child, she trusted a man she had barely knew.

She told the mysterious 'old geezer' that she wanted to be special. She wanted to have something that makes her look unique. Just like other children that receive a lot more attention than they used to. Colorful eyes, special natural hair, a beauty face, just anything.

Y/n was obsessed with popularity and celebrities. She wanted everyone's eyes only focused on her just like those in television or live concerts.

At the end, she chose to obey his orders and successfully cleared them without avail. To some point, the man told her she was no use to him anymore. Yet, Y/n insisted that she wanted to help him further more.

A little after the small argument, the man had brought a replacement for her. Nonetheless, he was around her age. Everything went blurry after that.

And like he said before, he kept his litte promise. He made her a 'thank you' gift before he threw her out of his workplace.

The girl was lost for words. She couldn't express her emotions right since this was something she wished for for so long.

After the gleeful news, the man accompanied her to her usual experiment room. Y/n had no idea as to why he had brought her to the same room she had been tortured and tested on for the past week or so.

The smoke was harder to resist as he locked her up inside the experiment room. Not even realizing, she fell asleep on the cold hard floor.

She suddenly felt awake yet somehow still asleep. Her view was still dark. Making her think she was still closing her eyes or the room was just incredibly dark.

"I'm terribly sorry..."

A voice whispered into her ear, making her turn to the whisper and grab it's owner's hand.

It made her think many things what the reason may be for apologizing so honestly with trembling voice. It was too sympathetic that it even made her start crying and pleading what he apologized for.

"There are things you need to find out on your own. I can't bring myself to tell you what happened. So that's why, I'm sorry."

The girl sat up and felt her eyes opening slowly. Just to find nothjng at all. Just complete darkness was found. And she just realized.

"Am I. . .blind. . .?"

The voice didn't answer and started to make his way towards the door. She got up from the soft cushions and ran to the footsteps she had heard.

"Don't leave me! Please. . .let me out. . ."

She grabbed the cold hands from the voice. He soon snapped and pulled his hand from her warm ones.

"If you want to escape, then follow my voice."

The door creaked opened as the footsteps slowly made their way further away from her. The girl panicked and started following the sound.

The unholy sound of an Iron door creaking suddly revealed a calming wind that tasted like sea shore.

Y/n smiled as freedome was finally given to her once more.

"Thank you!"

". . ."

- - -

Her thoughts soon ended when she heard her name being call out for the fourth time

"Y/N!" The commander exclaimed from the tent.

She cleared her throat and straightened up her posture before entering the tent.

She saluted to her commander as well as stomping her foot on the ground as respect.

"Y/n to your service, Sir!"

Her commander quickly lets out a cheeky smile and retured to to his serious self.

"Y/n, I'll be saving the explanation later and get straight to the point. I will be sending you to Nanba prison."

The girl froze up. Was she hearing right? Was he really going to send her to that infamous (For Military Guards)  Prison called Nanba? Well, Nanba Prison.

"Commander! Beg my pardon but, why am I being send to Nanba prison? I'm just a blind person. . ."

Her commander chuckled slightly and slid his paperworks aside.

She didn't really understood why the commander was chuckling on a serious matter like this one but something tells her it was her fault for asking such a silly question.

"Y/n, even when you're blind, your hearing level is beyond ours. You can trace your opponent's movements by hearing only their footsteps. You are able to guess whether they have a weapon on them or not, and the goal to go to Nanba prison is to have a special ability."

An ability. . .?

She suddenly felt a saddening smile crempt under her lips. Her posture became weak and tired but as respect, she grew her loose hands into fists and slammed it on chest.

"Commander, I thank you very much." She thanked before eventually bowing.

"It's not a problem Y/n. Your boat will be coming tomorrow around 6AM. Make sure to have everything ready and make yourself comfortable in the new environment. And agian, congratulations." He smiled as he shook her hand.

'This is a dream come true! I never thought I'd be able to make it to Nanba prison as a prison guard!' She thought to herself as she stepped outside the tent.

'Tomorrow will be my big day! I need to get everything ready!'

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