Chapter 5 Wrong timing

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I am terribly sorry for not posting too much on this story!!(╥﹏╥)
It's just that i've busy with nanbaka Oneshots..
Since there are so many i'll give you a photo on how my Oneshots looks like^^

Since there are so many i'll give you a photo on how my Oneshots looks like^^

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Go and check it out if you like!

Edit: Holy heck i just totally forgot that the warden is supposed to be a male in this story! >o<

I thank you Saero_Kun very much for telling me my mistake!

I haven't been really posting much in this story that's why i made a mistake😅

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You are now currently standing infront of the gigantic door, you can feel the dark aura bursting out as soon as you grabbed the door knob.

You opened the door slowly and walked towards the warden and made sure you were 3 meters away from his table.

"Sir, with what would you need my presence?" You asked him politely.

As the guy next to him turns to the wardens side, he lifted his hand and made a sign that he should leave.

Why you knew that even tho you were blind?

You had the ability to analyze places that you have never seen or been before. You can also do that to people when you touch them ones.

Your hearing is so good, that you can hear their heartbeats by touching them ones.

You might be blind and all but you have different ways to see their actions. You can see the white outlines everytime their heart beats.

As you heard the door close the warden started to speak very differently. It's like his voice gotten...higher?

"S-sir? Are you having a fever? Your voice kinda sounds...higher than usual..." You said in an uncomfortable tone.

"I'm okay Y/n! This is the way I normally speak. I want to speak in a tough voice so they can respect me. But now since you're here, I can finally talk like this! Since you are the only female here, I don't have to be harsh on you. So tell me, what has been going on in cell 13. I have heard strange rumors."

You smiled nervously

"Sir, I may not be a much help talking about 'that stuff' because of my current condition..."

The warden stood up from his seat and walked towards you.

"Y/n, I can help you with your current condition if you'd like. Okina, may have the stuff you need for your eyes to get better."

You faced your head to him and got to your knees. You slowly start to tear up.

"P-please me with my condition. I'll pay you back no matter what! Just please help me and save me from my sicknes!"

"Alright...only in one condition..."

° ° °

You walked towards the building 13 with a paper on your hand that the warden wrote for you as a 'Sorry for not showing up to the night shift earlier'.

As you showed up to the office, you saw Hajime leaning agianst the wall next to your seat. He looked kinda angry.

"Supervisor, i'm sorry for being late! I have my excuse paper from the warden." You said in a shaky voice.

"Oh, I see. If it has something to do with the warden then that's fine. I guess." He said in an uninterested tone.

After he left, you sat down on your table and continued working on your papers. You start to think where Yamato was. He didn't show up at the training ground, where he was supposed to train you.

You heard footsteps outside the office. No doubt, it was Elf. You stood up from your seat and ran straight out.

"Elf-oh...inmate number 15..."

"Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me. I thought no one was guarding tonight." The inmate jumped.

"I just showed up late because of- hold on, how did you get out of your cell again?"

You put a handcuff around his arm and lead him back to his cell.

He kept shouting at you on the way and told you that he couldn't sleep in there because of the other's.

As you arrived at the cell, you pushed him in front of you and kicked him. You got that from Hajime not to long ago.

"Hey wait!" Jyugo whispered.

"Just let me go to the night shifts room just this once! I can't sleep like this!" He complained.

"Sorry inmate number 15. I can't allow you to leave the cell just because you can't sleep. Ask the Supervisor Hajime, maybe he'll make an exception for you to go to the night's guarding room." You said while shrugging.

° ° °

The next day you woke up on your office desk with an extremely loud siren noice.

'The inmate's must've escaped again, what a pain in the ass..." you thought to yourself.

A blue haired boy quickly ran to your left side, held your arm and kneeled down.

"Y/n~! Please help me!" He whined.

You shoved his hands away from your arm and helped him stand up.

"What's wrong Seitarou-kun? Did you get bullied by the inmates agian?"

"*sniff* Y-yes..." he stuttered.

You pat his head softly and told him to get some tips from the supervisor Hajime, since he's the only one that knows them the best.

After that, he gave you a bright smile and thanked you.

You sat back down on the office table and touched your eye. You noticed that you've completely forgotten to put on your contact lenses that was supposed to hide the blind eyes you had. You just hoped no one noticed the sudden changes.

You tried scanning the place you are currently in but found nothing.

"Where did I put my contact lenses last time...?" You mumbled.

"You mean these?"

You turned to the direction where the voice came from.

You moved your hat at a position so that he wouldn't notice your eyes.

"So, what are the lenses for wolf." He said in a grumpy tone.

You snapped the lenses from his hand and put them on without answering him back.

"Hey, I wen't all the way from building 5 to building 13, atleast tell me what you need it for." He exclaimed.

You let out a sigh and turned back to him.

"My eyes aren't very well and if I were using glasses, it'll only get in the way while training."


"Not bad for an explanation. Next time, say that to my face instead looking right on my chest dumpo."

Right before Samon wanted to leave, Yamato came running to the office that made Samon fall down on the ground.

"Y/n!" He screamed

"What now? Another problem with the inmates?"

"No, how could you not tell me that you were blind?"


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