Chapter 10.4 Tournament (Thank you)

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Y/n stood up back onto her feet and wiped off the dust that was sticking on her uniform. The dust mostly was covering Y/n's ass though.

The guard that was standing behind her didn't say anything. In fact, he finds the view of his quite amusing. From the looks, he seems to be a nice and calm person. But she must know that there are people that have not a quite personality from their expectations.

Y/n looked behind her at the man that was slightly flushed by her sudden move. At first, she was confused. But giving it a second thought, made her realize that she shouldn't ask about where the dust has landed. After all, she was laying down on the floor earlier.

Y/n gave a nervous laugh and slowly wiped off the dust that was stuck at her squishy butt.

(Author: I have no idea why I wrote that...)

The guard looked in a different direction while Y/n was wiping off the dust.

Giving it a bit of time, the dust was now everywhere. It wasn't going away. Y/n shrugged it off and had a little of a conversation with the guard that saved her from that psycho Elf.

"Thank you again Supervisor Yozakura. What would've happened to me if you never showed up! Thank you very much!"

"Then again, no need to show formalities towards me Y/n. I just happen to be heading in the same direction as you. Come to think of it, would you mind me asking why you're here in the first place?"

Her eyes widened when she noticed what she was here for in the first place. Y/n searched around her uniform and the area while the supervisor stood there questioning what she was searching for.

"Darn! Did I leave my tampon in my bag next to where Hajime is sitting?" Y/n whispered to herself. But thanks to the dark hallway, the whispers that she made was echoed.

The supervisor behind her lets out a chuckle. It made Y/n turn around to face him but instead of looking directly at his face, she looked at his right hand that was holding a wide 2.5cm long plug.

" tampon..."

"Hm, I always wondered how women put this inside their-"


Y/n snatched the tampon away from his hand and headed towards the restroom direction that she suddenly remembered.


° ° °

Y/n stepped outside the restroom and stretched her arms to prepare herself for the match.

Even tho Hajime would never let her go and join the tournament, she still warming herself up, just in case if something goes wrong or goes out of control.


While reaching back to the tournament, she noticed two huge spinning matches and a man-sized top.

Y/n went next to the blue-haired deputy and asked him what kind of event was currently on.

"Hey, Seitarou."

"Oh, Y/n. Took you long enough! I was just about to ask if you wanted to take part in this event. After all, you are part of Building 13."

"Oh erm..well...I don't really know if I want to."

"You like spinning games right? This is similar to the games you've shown me these past two months!"

Y/n spit her drink that she bought with her before heading back to the tournament.

"Hold on, I have to spin this thing?! Have you been thinking of me THAT highly?! Who's going to participate at the opposite team?"

"The damn monkey is participating. You deal with him Y/n." The supervisor replied from behind.

'Oh, so now you're letting me participate?'

"Nonononononono, I am not participating! Samon is my- uh- friend. I can't beat the heck out of him." You panicked as the green-haired inmate was slowly reached for your hand.

"Aww come on Y/n-chan~! Let's team up together on this one!" He cheered.

Y/n lets out a briefly loud and obvious sigh of irritation and agreed to join the young inmate on the current event. She couldn't just decline him with his sparkly eyes.

Y/n look back at the deputy supervisor's and made a face that said 'help me!'. But that face of hers didn't stay for too long since the green-haired inmate didn't hesitate jumping down to the arena.

(Okay, hold on. I'm making it now as -your- pov since I repeatedly making mistakes. Sorry for the sudden stop:,])

You were now falling down from your head. You looked up to see the ground slowly approaching its end from falling. But before you both landed on the ground ungraciously, you took Nico by the arm and made the two of you do a half-front-flip, landing perfectly on the ground.

"Y/n! Y/n! That's the guy I wanted to show Hajime! Look, he's floating!"

"That's awesome. Chi user I guess." You replied in an uninterested way.

You looked around to the other end, searching for the person that's been making you nervous.

Finally, you found him. He was jumping down to the arena. He hadn't noticed you yet, which made you more worried than you already were earlier. You stood there with your hands on your hips, trying to look cool in front of him, and spoke with a rather sassy tone.

"Well, if it isn't supervisor Samon. Looks like we're going to be battling on this event."

The man looked at you with a perplexed expression, meaning he didn't want to combat with you at all.

"I have no intention of fighting you Y/n. Let's say you surrender."

"Hah! You wish you damn monkey!"

You couldn't see from afar but Samon showed an irk mark on his forehead. He didn't like that.

"Welp, I guess I need to teach you a lesson Y/n."

"Uh oh..."


The two of you waited until Mitsuru gave the introductions. Tho, what you find pretty unfair is that building 5 had two inmate participants. Nico was panicking around, grabbing your arm and pulling it. You just sighed at his childish behavior.

Someone hugged you tightly from behind. Which made you hit the random guy.

"Ouch~Y/n, you're so strong~"

"M-Mitsuru? What are you doing down here? Aren't you supposed to be introducing the participants?"

"Yes, yes. But I couldn't ignore your backside. It looks so soft~"

You let your head blop to the right, giving him a signal that you had no idea what he was blabbering about.

He shrugged and went back on his 'machine'. He took his microphone and finally started the introduction after the warden gave the signal.

"Inmate Number 71(Qi)! Inmate Number 58(Upa)! It's a grudge match between Samon Gokuu and Y/n L/n!"

"Man...I didn't even want to but alright." You commented.

"Y/n!" You heard an inmate cheer for you.

"Good luck Y/n!" The blue-haired deputy continued.

You shrugged and shook your head while heading towards the giant top. You held the cloth that surrounded the top. You stood in your position, getting ready to pull the cloth aggressively.

"I guess I have no choice." You commented

You looked at the other end of the arena, spotting the supervisor also grabbing the cloth ready to pull it.

"Top spinning competition...Ready,


° ° °

Did I make you wait for too long?

Well, it's soon summer vacation and I already failed 2 exams out of 8! :D

My best so far... :]

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