Chapter 11.1 Past Memories

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Haha! The third answer was right!

Shout out to: SenpaiChan546 For having the correct answer!🎉🎉🎉

(Thank you for always commenting on my chapters~)

Also, I noticed that I've been writing 'again' wrong. I've written it 'agian' this entire time Q^Q

I may have changed the storyline a bit. Sowwy.

° ° ° °

"I will kill those damn monsters."

Samon felt chills running down his spine. It's like he's having a bad feeling about what's going to happen next. He looked around the empty audience searching for you. Even though Mitsuru gave a clear speech. The supervisors won't listen to him in a busy situation like this.

Nowhere. He couldn't find you anywhere. He lost focus on the inmates and continued to search for you.


He muttered your name over and over again. Until he spotted a figure up high at the arena wall.

"Y/n!" He shouted.

The supervisors and the red-orange-haired inmate's attention turned to Samon who screamed your name out loud.


You could hear a voice from afar that you didn't pay much attention to. You got into your position and aimed at the inmate who was currently fighting against the guards.

You slowly put your index finger on the trigger. Aimed at the inmate. And pulled the trigger.

At that moment, everything went slow all of the sudden. It was not your doing. It felt like, the world said you've done something wrong.


Your eyes widened on the zoom lens. Watching how the inmate cut your bullet into two small pieces.

'What in the world?'

You again got into your position and fired one bullet at a time. Every second you fired one. But every single one of them was cut in two.

"Tck, damn you..."


You opened both of your eyes wide and looked inside the ammunition box that was supposed to be filled with munitions.

" got to be kidding me." You joked while rolling your eyes at the empty box.

You threw the sniper to side and jumped down the tall wall. You reached an arm behind your back and held a high-tech handle with a small button on it. It spinned around your hand until it started warming up. It glew to green-ish color.

'Warming up...power used: 91%. Remaining: 9%. Do you wish to continue?'


'Continuing...the possibly for the scythe to be fully shut off: 5 minutes. Do you still wish to continue?'

"Yes Nora. Continue."

'Please answer one question to verify Y/n A/n. Favorite color?'


'Verification success. Loading...double scythe.'

You jumped down to where the inmate was, prepared to send of another swing to your supervisor trying to catch him. He dodged every single swing the inmate was doing. It made him more aggressive.

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