Chapter 8 New year

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If it stops for you everytime you scroll down, then i don't know what's the problem. Maybe go to google and search for the song "Gurenge english cover".

Anyway, Lyrics time :,D
(Had to write everything on the paper lol)

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You stood in the middle of the hall 4 minutes before it hits midnight. You felt goosebumps popping around your arm.

'It really has been a long time since i performed infront of bunch of people' you thought.

No one could see you standing in the middle. It was all working as planned. The buildings haven't heard or been informed about your performance at new years.

"Gentlemen! I, Mitsuru have prepared something special tonight!"

"You always do you moron" Hajime screamed out loud.


Click above :)

Finally, you've given me
A reason to be strong
And we'll stand
Till' the end~!

The lights turned on and you were lifting up your arm and showed your index finger.

Everyone's attention immediately turned to you.

As my body's shaking
The future is out there waiting
For me to grasp the light
That's trembling just like my hand
I gotta keep it safe from fading~

That's all that I wan't

The subtle scent of midnight
I'll spend all thirty nights
I glare up at the stars~
Staring into the sky
The path I see before me
I know only i can change it.

That's all that I need!

Finally, you've given me
A reason to be strong
And we'll stand
Till' the end~!

Despite the...
Past mistakes we can't erase
A future that we can't escape
As long as I can always keep you safe!
I've gotta be strong
So to your name
I'll fight through the pain~!

This world can...
Beat me down a hundred times
But into the light i'll always rise
A lotus flower so pure~

Right up to the end
Until it blooms
A bright red

I can hear the lightning
There's not a song more frightening
And make a storm you can't
Control somethings in this world
Not everything can be protected~

I already know that
Good and Evil they will always want to interwine
Our true nature hiding beneath the surface

Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why

I don't need you!

Like a wild flower growing tall
There is beauty in the way you live
And thrive despite it all~!

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