Chapter 10.1 Tournament (Falling for him)

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So this chapter is mostly talking so...i hope you still enjoy :,)

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Today is the day of the new year's tournament battle for the first place. Everyone gathered up in a line to prepare themselves for the Warden's speech.

You stood behind the cell 13 Inmates to make sure they won't run off somewhere.

"Gentlemen! Happy New Year!" The Warden greeted.

"Something's starting all of a sudden." Jyugo stated.

"A party?" Questions the green haired boy.

You shook your head in disappointment at Seitarou. You told him at the preparation before the tournament, that he should tell the Inmates about this so called 'Party'.

Seitarou looked back at you with a nervous smile on his face. Meaning 'Ops, I forgot about it'. He looked back at the direction where the Warden stood and continued to listen to his speech.

"Let's get down to business. To celebrate New Year's, we will now begin Nanba Prison's traditional event."

The Warden pulled one of his hands from his back and pointed it at our direction.

"Our New Year's Tournament will now begin!"

The Warden then pulled up a gigantic scroll and pushed it down.


Is what said on the scroll. Though, it was written on Japanese.

Someone then appeared behind the Warden that you've never seen before in these past two months. A man with taned skin and white hair that slowly fades into a sakura pink color stood now next to the warden. He had an eye patch on his right eye and a pink sakura cape around him.

'He looks handsome...' You thought to yourself with a soft smile on your face.

You then slapped yourself and shook your head.

'What am I thinking! Focus y/n focus!"

The man that stood there, held up something that looked like papers. Since he's so far away from your sight, you really couldn't tell what he was holding so you shrugged it off.

"I will now announce the participants from each building for the New Year's Tournament." He confirmed.

"What does he mean by participants?" Jyugo asked the man standing besides him.

"The New Year's Tournament is an annual event where inmates and officers cooperate." Hajime explained.

"A prize is given to the winning building and its guards." The blue haired man said smiling in excitement.

"Explaining them now huh." You whispered to yourself in a mocking tone.

"In our case, we get a bonus, while each inmate will receive any item they want." Yamato continued after Seitarou.

The four inmates all looked at the man with shooked expression while saying 'What?!' at the same time.

"Hajime! let us participate!" The four inmates begged.

Hajime turned his back on them in annoyance.

"Oh, crap. We shouldn't have told them!"

The blue haired man turned to Hajime's side and slowly put his index finger up.

"B-but the warden gets to choose the participants." He said nervously.

"Like we're going to be choosen. There's no way in hell we'll participate in this tournament and if so then there would be atleast 0.1% cha-"

"Next, Building 13 will be represented by Cell 13." The man next to the warden interrupted.

There was a short silence between the place you were in until Hajime and Seitarou screamed "Why" out loud. You snorted a little bit at the irritated supervisor and the terrified deputy supervisor.

You look back up to the warden with a confused expression. He was wearing a smile. It's not an scary looking one, it's more the crush kind of one.

'Never knew the warden has a crush on someone.'

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After awhile, the other guards and the inmates took a seat on the audience place, which was already taken within less than 5 minutes.

You let out a heavy sigh and stood next to Hajime's seat. Even though it hasn't started yet, most of the inmates and guards already focused looking directly at the center of the hall.

"Yo, Hajime." A familiar voice called out.

Hajime and the four inmates looked at the person who called for him and so did you. You flinched a little when you saw the person standing right besides you close.

"To think Cell 13 is representing Building 13...what an unfortunate way to start the new year, huh?"

Hajime lets out a short "eh" sound and glared daggers at the oranged-green haired man. Of course the man returned that glare too.

"Building 5 will win this year." He claimed.

"After all, Cell 8 is representing us."

You twitched one of your eyes but didn't stop them from arguing. You may not get away alive if you disturb those two 'handsome' men in a fighting situation.

Trust me. Seitarou tried.

"I don't care about winning, but I won't tolerate losing to you."

"My goodness" said another familiar voice.

You all looked to the left side including the inmates and saw a very fashionable guard walking towards the two arguing men.

"You two always get into it the moment you see each other. How insightly. You're going to sully my Cell 6."

You took a good look at him and noticed his fluffy feathers around his neck. It reminded you of...Kiji? Yes, Kiji!

You widened your eyes but kept your mouth shut. After all, you didn't want to disturb them.

"What did you say? You stink of perfume!"

"Oh? Would you like me to close up your nose with cement then?"

Your eyes then started to twitch agian of irritation and recieved an irk mark on your left forehead.

"Men, men. You are all pretty. Can you guys stop now?" You commented.

You look to your right and saw another guard walking towards the situation you all were on but with only one inmate following behind him. You couldn't really tell the inmate's features but his skin was tanned too.

"Don't make threatening comments to your opponents, Monkey, Kiji. It's disgraceful."

You let out a slight blush but hid it with your h/l h/c hair. To look at him this close makes him more attractive than from a distance.

You felt eyes looking directly at you and looked around. You then spotted Samon looking at you with an suprised but angry expression. The two of you stayed like that for a moment until Samon shook it off.

"Stop being so conceited you damn dog!" He exclaimed.

"There's only one inmate in Building 4 Cell 10, right? Are you taking your anger out on us because you can't win?" The other one said in disbelief.

The man that's supposed to be called 'Dog' snapped a little bit but held back his anger from them.

"You two are not my enemies."

"A monkey, a pheasant, and a dog...'

"It's like Momotaro!"

"They're all just henchmen."

The inmates from building 13 commented.

The two aggressive guards didn't like how Inmate Number 15 bad mouthed them infront of their face.

"Who are you calling henchmen?!" They both screamed out loud. While attempting to attack the poor inmate. Tho, he kinda did deserve it.


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