Chapter 11.2 Backstory

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Never knew that I will write a backstory on Y/n. For some reason, i just write a bunch of randomness and come up with a kinda good story. And this is where i ended up.

I wonder what the ending is going to be in the furure. A bad one or a good one?

° ° °

Not too long ago, a new transfer student came to your class uninformed by your teacher. He seemed to be a bit nervous at the start but when he met you, he completely changed.

The young boy called you unusual nicknames after being together all the time. Which made you feel shy around him ever since. It didn't bother you being called 'cutie', 'sunshine' or even 'girly' at times. You enjoyed his nicknames he gave you.

You thought of some nicknames too. For example 'Monkey', 'Mr. Energetic' or 'Green Apple'.

Monkey, because he resemble like one.

Mr. Energetic, because he has unlimited stamina when it comes to PE class.

And Green Apple, because of his apple green eyes.

He didn't really enjoy the first nickname. Which you thought it would be a good opportunity to get him annoyed at times when you feel down.


Samon has invited you to his house to meet his family for the first time. You felt nervous and slowed your phase to the path. Your mind couldn't stop thinking negatively about what's going to happen in that place.

'Will they except me?'

'Will they not like me?'

Those words couldn't step outside your mind. Samon is a very special person to you. You kept him in a save place inside your heart. After all, he is your only and first friend.

You were scared for his family to not approve you as Samon's friend. He kept telling you 'Don't worry, they'll like you!' to cheer you up.

The dirt path you were walking on ended with endless stairs continuing before your feet. You looked at it with shook. Thinking if Samon took this path every day to school.

'He must've had it hard this past few months...'

You took a deep breath and took the endless stairs before you. After a few minutes, you arrived at the very top infront of Samon's house with heavy breathing. You hit your chest to calm your breath. Which eventually stopped after a while.

You stepped closer to the door from Samon's house and knocked three times. You stood there tapping your index fingers together, waiting for a response from anyone.

"Who's out there." A cold voice spoke.

"I-I'm Y/n A/n, Samon's friend from school..." you said nervously.

The man behind the door opened the door slowly, revealing a very tall figure standing infront of you with a blank yet trustworthy stare. Behind him was a smaller figure that you recognized immediately.



The two of you shouted at the same time. He ran up to you and gave you a tight hug. You laughed at his action and returned the tight hug he gave you. As you pulled away from the hug, you saw samon covered in dirt and bruises.

"What happened?! Did you slip again?"

"No, me and Enki were just training. That's all."

He said casually as if it was normal for a child to get bruises from traing with an older brother.

"To me it looked like you fought..."

"I mean...we did fight but not in a serious argument? We do it for get stronger?"

You giggled at his nonsense blabbering and held his hand for him to show you around the house. The house looked small but as you entered the building, it looked much bigger than from the ouside. I guess never judge a book by it's cover huh?


The two of you played around the backyard while Samon's grandfather and brother watched from a far.

There were times where the two of you do completely random stuff while playing a game.

For example: Pinching each other's cheeks while playing hide and seek.

Holding hands while playing tag.

Drawing hearts while playing tic tac toe on the sand ground.

And staring while...yeah staring at each other.

The two adults kept an eye at the two doves playing around like there was no one stoping them from playing around.

"Grandfather, are you thinking what i am thinking?"

"What are you thinking."

The tall man face-palms himself and went inside the building to get some time alone for himself. That's exactly the moment where the grandfather realized what his nephew was thinking about. His eyes widened and also went inside.

"Hm, i wonder why they went inside."

"Dunno, let's play something else."



The day with Samon was almost over. It was almost ready for you to go back home to your family. The time flew by like it was nothing.

You packed all of your stuff together that you have bought along with you.

"Samon, it's time for me to leave now."


"Yeeees. I will see you tomorrow in school agian."

"I want you to stay here with me though..."

"I can' will get worried about me."

"Fine! But come earlier to school tomorrow 'kay?"


You stepped out of the entrance and waved the boy goodbye with a bright smile before going down the stairs. You felt sad but yet happy at the same time. His family didn't complain or say anything negative about you, which was a relief.


"So, that was your friend huh..."

"Yap! She's nice and pretty right?"

"Yes, yes. She's quite the wholesome one. I'm glad you chose her as your friend."

"Thanks grandpa! Someday in the future, I wanna get closer to her..."

"Don't get you hopes to high. Maybe til' then, she'll already have someone else."

"Hah! No way! I'm the only friend cutie has!"


° ° °

Alright, part two confirmed.

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