Chapter 3 His Name

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Mitsuba started mentioning Building 13 that there were rumors about inmates constantly escaping atleast 10 times a day. However, that was just a rumor.

Y/n already found herself interested in Building 13. Since this place was one of the best prison in the world. It had special mechanisms that is beyond unknown in public. Nanba was created for no ordinary person to escape. That's why it's built somewhere along the ocean. However, the news in the television surely said something with inmates having deadly abilities.

This made everything exciting. Mostly Building 13.

° ° °

Well, there she was sitting on her desk with multiple paperwork that needed to be done this week. Her Supervisor surely did this to her on purpose because she was a woman.

Didn't he know that independent women exists in this world? Surely he can't be this stupid.

So far, Building 13 hasn't had any breakout alarms yet. Maybe it really was just a false rumor that she had suddenly believed. But hey, she isn't complaining with her current position. I mean come on, a night guard already? A newbee would have complained about it saying that 'It's too much to handle'.

. . .

She heard footsteps further away ouside of the office. She wondered who it could be since its in the middle of the night. She curiously stood up from her chair and went outside the office.

The footsteps had stopped.

° ° °

Mitsuru, who had been watching the cameras all along, found her standing in the middle of the hallway.

"What are you doing, sweetheart?"

He mumbled as he scrolled closer to her face in admiration.

"I can heard your footsteps, come out."

Mitsuru was set in confusion as he heard her speaking to herself.

"This is not a joke, come out and show yourself!"

Her voice sounded serious but there was no one nearby.

"Who are you speaking to, Y/n?"

Mitsuru looked at a different camera. The one that she was looking at.

° ° °

Y/n had no idea who or what it was. She had that slight feeling that it may have been her imaginations messing with her.

Her past still traumatized her to this day. Every night she'd hear footstept like this one but the outcome was always the same.

"Come closer. . ."

A voice whispered. It sounded trustworthy and familiar. She wasn't sure what it made her trust the stranger's voice. Yet she was glad to hear them. It sent her shoulders to shiver as a fresh air passes through her revealing neck.

The voice asked once agian. It sounded so desperate that she had no choice but to do as she was asked to.

"Come closer, I beg of you. . ."

She stood there and remained silent. She waited for the unknown figure to make it's next move.

"Do you remember me?"

He asked. She hasn't thought of it at all up until now. His voice. . .it couldn't be him. . .right? What was he doing in Nanba? Did he follow her all the way here?

Her mind became flooded with questions that had no answers to them.

"Why are you here. . .? Are you an inmate?"

The footsteps became louder as each step got closer to her. The voice's figure slightly made it's reveal.

Even though she saw nothing besides the darkness. She felt his warm yet dreadful presence being close to her up until she felt his empty arms wrapped around her.

° ° °

Editing Complete

"Who are you searching for Y/n, damn..." He mumbled in anger.

He sat back down on the camera where he watched you from the beginning.

"Who in the name of party poopers is that guy?"

He turned on the mic and started a conversation to building 5's supervisor, Samon Gokuu.

"Heyy there buddy."

'What the hell do you want Crane?!'

"Building 13's night shifter is in trouble~ with some dude that I have never seen before!"

'Hold on, why the hell would you contact me of all people?'

"Because I know you're the only one that's still up at midnight buddy."

'Tck, fine. As pay back stop calling me buddy."

- - -

Agian back to you

The both of you were still hugging.

You thanked him so much that you couldn't even count it anymore.

"I forgot to ask you, what's your name?" You aked him politely.

"My name is Elf. It's been way too long Y/n."he said while patting your head slowly.

Not long after, you heard someone else's footsteps from the other alleyway.

"Huh-AGH GA!" Elf spat as he got kicked in the stomach with a force of getting knocked back to the wall.


"Shut it Newbee." The man growled.

You never heard this voice since you came here. Is he a guard that also is keeping building 13 safe?

"Y-y/n, I'll come back for you soon. I promise..." he said while vanishing out of nowhere.

The man growled "Why did you do nothing?! You're a night guard and should be doing your position right!"

You moved your head to face the ground. You felt sad, angry and guilty. He's right, even if he was your friend, then you should've done something about it. People that don't work here are not allowed to enter the prison.

The guy that made Elf go away was still arguing with you. You didn't pay attention to his words but you listened to your thoughts.

"Are you even listening?"


"*sigh* Fine, i'll go. It would've been okay saving your ass if you said 'thank you' atleast.

You snapped out of your thoughts and heard his last sentence. When you were about to say 'thank you' to him, he already went towards the exit of the building and headed back from where he came from.

"Thank you anyway..."


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