Chapter 9 Your Knight

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I'm back my little cookies🍪.
While I was rereading this book,I saw that in Chapter 7, I told you guys I would make a 'Late Valentine's special' Chapter.

Sadly, I haven't started it yet but I was thinking of writing it when I'll reach 1k views.

That's all I need to say for now.

Have fun~✨

° ° °


You stood infront of Elf, defending him from the irritated Samon that was standing the other end of the ground, ready to kick the man's ass.

You looked at the man that stood directly infront of you face to face with an angry expression, meaning that you would fight with him for Elf's safety.

"Y/n...stay away from that intruder!" He commanded while gritting his teeth.

. . .

"No." You replied after hesitating for a while.

The two of you kept staring daggers at each other but haven't made a single move nor attack yet. You couldn't hurt him. He was your soulmate after all.

You slowly let lose grip of your fists and looked back at Elf who was kinda smirking at the man across of you.

"Y/n trusts me more than she does you. She will never stand on your side. Not if you've done something for her like I did." Elf said while still forming a smirk on his face.

It's true that you are thankful for Elf saving you but...something just doesn't feel right, standing on Elf's side ofcourse. You couldn't help but feel slightly nervous around him. It's not directed to love, it's more directed to fear. It's like you can feel the danger aura coming from him.

You ones again look at Samon and remembered something slightly from back then, where Seitarou took you with him. He blushed, he blushed at his phone. It made you a bit anxious that he might have found someone else instead of his own soulmate. Just what was he looking at that time anyway?

A photo?

A friend's message?

Just what could it be?

"Y/n, move aside already!" He demanded.

You flinched a bit from his growling voice that woke you up from you current thoughts. You shook your head to get back to the current situation and looked at Samon with a serious glance.

Agian, you replied with a 'No'.

He gritted his teeth harder and pushed you aside making you trip down on your butt in shook. You look up to see Samon holding Elf's collar to the air, making him hard to catch a breath.

Elf let out a giggle that slowly got louder every second. He pulled out a sharp weapon from his back and swung it towards Samon's arm that was holding him on his collar.

Samon lets lose of his collar and quickly pulled his arm away, still making a 'agh' sound. He held his right arm with his left one and glared at the man that cut his skin into a bloody injury.

You felt a painful pain on your right arm. Now knowing that he's been injured. You tighten your grip on your right arm trying not to show the pain to Samon.

You quickly stood up from the ground running towards his direction and held his right arm carefully.

You then stared at Elf with a deadly glare that made him step back a little. He stood up from the ground, cleaning the blood falling down his mouth.

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