Chapter 10.5 (Win-win)

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"Top spinning competition...Ready, Go!"

Both you and Samon pulled the cloth with full strength, making the top spinning at full speed. The tops were crashing into each other, making it look like that it also fought.

"Go! Number 58! Number 71!"

You stood there silently, still holding the cloth from earlier. You stared up at the two inmates attacking you from both sides.


You released the cloth in your hands and right at that moment, the world around you suddenly stopped.

You wandered around the two inmates but noticed Nico heading in your direction. It looked like he was coming for your aid, which you find very sweet of him.

You held the green-haired inmate's shoulder and pushed him away slightly. You didn't want him to step in 'your' fight. Sure, it was told that both guard and inmate are supposed to cooperate.

In training camp, the so-called father-like commander that took you in always taught you to never cooperate with someone. Not even with higher-ranked trainees. You started to listen to his orders after losing to some two years older trainee's from the camp. That was 10 years ago.

It made him disappointed after seeing you lose. But he knew that you were going to learn something new about that loss. 

Now, this is where you ended up.

"Thank you, stranger. For testing me those past few years. I, Y/n hadn't also gone blind, but I received abilities from those injections you gave me. I again sincerely thank you for what you have done for me."

You stepped in front of the inmates that were nearly going to hit you. You held the green-blue-haired inmate's head and aggressively smashed it on the ground. The other, you took his arm and swung him in the audience's direction. You stood back to where you were standing and continued the time.

You were now able to hear the audience cheering again, but not even a second later, the inmate that you smashed onto the ground made a crack on the floor and made a loud 'boom' sound. While Nico stumbled onto the ground.

"What in the world?! How did that happen?" The orange-green-haired supervisor complained

"No questioning Samon. It's just you and me now."

He lets out a growl and ran after you. Samon kept on attacking but missed every single move. Just as he was about to hit your chest, he stopped. You took that opportunity to strike him back but blocked it with his weapon.

"Tck. Why did you stop?! Take this seriously Samon!"

Samon threw away his weapon to the side and clenched his hands into yours. Of course, you tried to struggle around but nothing seems to work.

Suddenly, your face started to turn red because of embarrassment. You tried to push him back but it only seemed to push you back more.

"S-stop it!" You exclaimed.

He like always, didn't listen to you and pushed you further back to the wall. The two of you stayed like that for a while until the tops were spinning to your left and right.

Samon took this as a chance and leaned on for a kiss. Your eyes widened at his sudden action. You slowly weakened your grasp and pushed your lips into his.

The two tops didn't move from their position and the two of you still continued. Samon slowly moved his hands on your butt and wiped something away.

Right after, he pulled away from the kiss. Your eyes quickly opened in concern on why he suddenly stopped. You felt his hand forcefully grab your wrist, which made you open your mouth and make a face that could definitely tell it hurt.

'Damit! He will notice!'

As soon as the two tops moved, Samon immediately threw you to the other side of the arena. You ended up crashing to the wall with your back. Coughing out blood from your mouth.

'Now I'm sure he knows!'

You stared at him with an unexplainable expression. Tho, he didn't seem to be noticing anything. He looked pretty normal.

"That wasn't very nice, Samon."

"Heh, what can I say Y/n. Did it feel good though?"

You blushed at his comment and told him to shut his mouth. You then summoned your w/o/c(Please be serious with this choice or it'll not fit with the story.), starting to get more serious about the match.

You picked up your hat that landed on the ground and placed it on your head. You once again looked up to him and immediately appeared in front of him with a smile. You proceeded with a swing with your weapon but reacted kind of slow.

"Too slow Y/n."

"Oh, pl-ea-se. I could've gone faster if you hadn't distracted me earlier."

"Don't mention that. It'll get me distracted too."

You came closer to him step by step and stoped in front of his face. You stared into his apple-green-eyes which made his defense go low.

You let go of your w/o/c and took the chance to win the match. You turn your hands into a fist and quickly approach it into Samon's face. Even tho you knew it's going to hurt you a lot.


"My gosh sweety are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine Kiji, thanks."

"That was a tough punch you gave him tho. Are you sure you are alright~?"

"Like i said, i am fin- O-oh he-llo Haji-"

"HAAAAAJIIIIIMEEEEEE" a cracked voice interrupted.

The supervisor turned around to spot an angry monkey storming in his direction. The bald man twitched his eyes and waited until he was standing in front of him.

"You knew! You knew I was going to go easy on her because i-uh...hello there y/n..."

You nervously waved at him and then turned to the other direction feeling a bit embarrassed from earlier. He to did the same and continued.

"I'll beat you up later."

"Try me monkey."

° ° °


I suck at this TwT

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