Chapter 6 Friend-like-family

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Sad back stories my fellow readers. This chapter is only about that :]

It's not THAT sad tho, because i'm not good with sad stories.

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Last evening

"Sir, that's great and all but...don't you think it's a bit way to early to do an operation on me? I'm sure Okina doesn't have ALL the stuff he needs." You said to him.

"I am 100% positive he does. Doesn't it always bother you of not seeing anything?" The Warden said crossing his arms.

You let your head down and took a deep breath, thinking if you should or should not. You scanned the room around you to see how the Warden was looking at you.

'He seems so serious about our conversation...'

It took you a while to think about the decision until the Warden spoke.


"I'll do it. What do you want in return Sir?"

"Spy Hajime for awhile and tell me in our future meetings what he's doing."

° ° °

"What...?" Samon said with an expression that you couldn't explain.

"H-how, wait...i-im not!" You stuttered.

Samon looked at you with disappointment. You knew he didn't like people lying to him.

"Y-yamato, how did y-you find out...?"

"I overheard it when I passed by to the Warden's office. I also heard you were going to do an operation at Okina's infirmary. Do you have any idea how risky that could be?!"

You looked at Samon's condition by scanning the place.

'He seems very unhappy with me...'

You ignored Yamato's words and went on to the infirmary. You can hear him trying to stop you but you ignored it.

'He doesn't even care...'

° ° °

You knocked at the infirmary door.

As it opened, you saw the Warden standing next to the bed where you were soon going to be laying down on.

"Sir! May I ask what you are doing here?" You asked in a suprised tone.

"I'm here to accompany you. Since no one really knows about it." He replied.

Okina's wife stepped in the room and stood next to her husband. Even though their current relationship isn't going well, they're still together.

You wondered why...

"Kazari, get the stuff ready and Y/n please lay down. I'll be trying my best."

° ° °

Peep, peep, peep

"Ugh..." you complained and sat up.

You stretched your arms and opened your eyes.

You jumped out of shook and happiness.

"I-I can see my hands! I can see colors!"

You hear someone crash the door down.

It was the Warden, Okina and Kazari. They all went up to you quickly and were questioning you all kinds of stuff at the same time.

"One by one please..." you said.

"Can you see my hands? How many fingers can you see?" Okina said in a worried expression.

"Yes, I can see you're hands and I can see 10 fingers." You replied

" didn't go successfully..." Kazari said disappointed

"Hey! It's true! He has 5 fingers on both of hands! He's just showing me 7 of them."

Okina's eyes went wide and tears started to form.

"Okina, are you alright?" The warden asked.

He wiped his tears away and looked at the ground.

"I couldn't save my and Kazari's child that day. Out of nowhere she became blind. Me and Kazari went in many different doctors with her to see if it can be healed. Sadly, every single doctor said no."

Okina started to cry and couldn't end the story.

"He tried to learn everything from reading medical books. He created something that he thought it would help her but..." she got cut off by her tears and couldn't end the story either.

You and the Warden both knew how the story would end. Both of you felt your heart ache just by thinking of it.

'Losing a child because of helping them.'

° ° °

"Thank you agian very much Okina and Kazari! I hope you get better..."

"You're welcome, my chi- i mean y/n."

You were startled a little bit by Kazari almost calling you 'my child'.

You waved goodbye at them and left the infirmary with the Warden.

"Sir, how long was i away for?" You asked out of nowhere.

"About 4 to 5 days. Some guards and inmates also came to see how you were doing."

"4 to 5 days?! MY PAPERWORK ARE NOW STACKED AS HELL! And also, who exactly visited me?" You added.

"No, no. Since it's an...operation issue. I'll let the paperworks be and the people that visited you were the 4 inmates from building 13 and also the two deputy supervisors, the chief broadcaster and the supervisor from building 5."

'Were they that worried about me? And who the hell is the Chief broadcaster?!"

You kept your mouth shut for the rest of the way til' you both finally arrived at infront of the office from building 13.

The Warden wished you a brand new start at nanba and then left.

You walked in the office and saw everyone working on their paperworks.

They didn't notice you until someone from behind walked in and bumped onto you.

"Oop my bad sweetheart! I'm in a hurry to deliver this to Hajime!" The man said screaming through the microphone.

'That voice seems kinda familiar' you thought to yourself.

You stood back up and said 'it's fine' and looked at the office that went completely quiet until you said something.

Seitarou quickly stood up from his seat and ran up to you, hugging your arm.

"Thank goodness you're okay y/n! I was so worried about you! I'm soo glad you're back!" He said happily in tears.

"I'm glad you're okay y/n. Glad you're back." Hajime said.

You were suprised that even he is welcoming you.

'I'll be adding that to my list from the warden'

You looked at the left side and saw Yamato with an disappointed look on his face.

"Yamato, what's wrong?" You quietly asked him.

"I'm sorry i couldn't stop you 5 days ago. I couldn't let you go on an operation." He replied.

You looked at him in an concerned look and said you can't understand what he is applying to.

He told you to come with him to talk about something private.

"So, now tell me what's wrong."

"Remember that day where i said i would practice you the next day?"

"Yes and you didn't come for what reason?"

  "I'm so...very sorry to hear that..."

° ° °


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