Late Valentine's special! 1k views!

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Eyyy a special chapter! I'm going to write one every single time the views doubles up. Like...1k, 2k, 4k. Like that.

Just saying. We could never reach 8k views on this one >:)

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Today was Valentine's day.

Y/n was wandering around the entire building 13, not knowing what to do to amuse herself with. She couldn't think straight anymore after Mitsuru and a few other male guards and inmates gave her a box, formed in heart shape filled with tons of sweets, in different flavors.

Y/n was bothered by something that made her a bit anxious. Her soulmate, Samon Gokuu, hadn't given her one yet.

Did he forget the day or was he just not that interested in her?

'He's probably overworking himself agian with those pile of paperworks. I shouldn't get involved in his situation, he'll just get frustrated from me talking all the time.' Y/n thought as she rolled her eyes, not noticing that a certain someone was standing infront of her.

She turned to the two bags that were filled with valentine's chocolate boxes. She took out one of the chocolate and stared at it.

"What am I supposed to do with these damn chocolates? I'll get chubby if I eat these all at ones..."

"Just throw them away."

The man that stood infront of her commented. Y/n jumped with a short high pitched scream as the man spoke out of nowhere.

"S-Samon...what are you doing here in building 13? And how in the world did you manage to find me?" Y/n said nervously as she picks up the two bags and hid it behind her.

"I've been following you this entire time, calling your name. You didn't respond for 10 minutes, so I decided to shut my mouth and just follow you. Also, no need to hide those chocolate's behind you. I already saw it." He replied with a smirk on his face in his last sentence.

Y/n slightly shows a blush on her face that was visible from Samon's spectations. Samon's smirk widened as he saw Y/n face.

"S-Sorry that I ignored you...I was just lost in my mind that's all."

"I can tell from the words you were whispering on the way. Thanks." Samon said as he stroke your h/l h/c hair backwards.

He took out a chocolate box and some cookies that were wrapped around with a colorful plastic, that also had a note on it with the shape of a heart.

He took one of Y/n's hands that was behind her back and layed the chocolate box and the cookies on it. His smile that was on his face slowly faded into a frown.

"Please take this. Just don't eat all of it at ones." Samon said while saying his goodbye to Y/n but hesitated after he saw the other chocolate's she was holding.

° ° °

Y/n placed the chocolates on the table and thought of making the most of them as a decoration for her apartment. Her apartment wasn't really well decorated. The word she would always describe it is 'dull'. She never really payed much attention and time to her room since she always comes home exhausted and heads straight to bed. For the first time in a while, she got to see her room. She really didn't look satisfied at all. It was the opposite.

Y/n emptied the bags and searched for the chocolate that Samon gave her not too long ago. She instantly found it since the color of the box is very obvious. The box was green and the bow that was wrapping around it was orange.

'Just like Samon's hair...'

Y/n held the box close to her lips and gave it a soft kiss.

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Next day(Author: Don't mind me if I do.🙃)

"Phew! Thank you so much Kiji! You were a big help with the decorations."

The previous day, Y/n invited her best friend in her apartment. Ofcourse she told him why she needed him to be there and he instantly came for her aid. Kiji was the only person she knew that had good taste in decorating.

"No problem sweetheart, if you ever need help with something, i'll be there to help you~!"

"Aww, thank you Kiji! You're the best! Oh! I forgot about something. Here, it's for Honey and Trois."

"Oh~, what's in it?"

"Just some of my cooking i've learned from the cooking book you gave me two weeks ago. Since Honey and Trois asked me about my cooking skills, I decided to make a bento for them. Now go, or you'll be late for your paperworks."

Y/n pushed Kiji to the exit door in a hurry, not wanting to waste his time more than he already has.

"Alright, alright! No need to be so hasty sweetheart. Oh and by the way, there's a letter I found on a plastic that was wrapping around some cookies. You might want to give it a read~." He winked at the last sentence and shuts the door slowly with a giggle.

Y/n clicked her tongue twice and smiled. She turned to the table where the letter was waiting to be opened by the person it was meant to. She went to the table with a few steps and looked at the letter for awhile. She hesitantly picked up the letter and opened it.

Happy Valentine's Y/n

I might not be the first one giving you a valentine's present.
To be honest,
I have never wrote or gave someone something to valentine's.
I hope, you like the self made cookies i've made for you.
If it's not good, then don't eat it.

Happy valentine's day Y/n...

I know.

"I know...?"

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There's the special chapter I wanted to make. Thank you so much for 1k+ reads!❤💕

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