Chapter 4 Refusing

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It's been two weeks since you worked here as a night guard at Nanba prison. Nothing special has happened to you since then but something was bothering you.

Your back kept hurting. Like if someone was kicking you.

"It's probably my 'soulmate' again." You thought to yourself while leaning on your office chair.

You were waiting for Yamato, the guy that was always full of energy. He promised you to practice with him because you told him you needed more practice for your endurance.

Since he's late, you thought you could play with Kuu for a little while.

Right when you thought of that, someone stepped into the office.

You were suprised that he's here.

"Ah, Supervisor Gokuu. Is there something you need from here?" You stood up from your chair and walked over to him.

You two stood face to face. He only stared at you for few seconds and then started talking.

"Yamato is currently not available for your training. So he asked me if I could practice with you. Since everyone that he asked denied, I had accepted it to babysit you." He stood there looking at you with a devilish smirk across his face.

"Ha ha very funny monkey." You walked out by pushing him aside. While he just stood there in annoyance.

"Are you coming or what?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just go on wolfy. I have something else to deal with first."

You shrugged and continued your way to the training ground.

° ° °
As you arrived at the place you didn't expect to hear this many people on a practice ground.

All of them were unfamiliar exept for one. That gay-ish voice, you heard it before. You forgot the name of the person but you remember meeting him on the first day.

"Oh! Y/n! Darling, how have you been? It's been two weeks already! How come we never got in contact?" He quickly rushed to your way.

You were struggling to think what his name was.

"Kigi? Kiga? Kiji...? Kiji!"

"Ah, Kiji. It's nice seeing you again. How are you?" You quickly turn your face to him and smiled.

The two of you really connected well. You both had the same interest and dislikes.

You talked with Kiji for awhile and felt a sudden pain on your chest and then your back. It's like you've been punched in the chest and flew way to the other side of the wall.

It made you spit blood on the floor. The people's attention were all on you.

Kiji wen't to his bag searching for some tissue. Lucky he found some.

° ° °
You layed down on Kiji's lap to relax your stomach. It ached so bad that you almost needed to vomit after coughing blood.

"Heck, What was my soulmate thinking?! Was he trying to kill me?!"

"Darling, are you okay now? I have the feeling that your soulmate is near by." Kiji asked you while he was looking to the inmates practicing.

"Huh? What makes you think that Kiji-san?" You turned your head to him.

He took a quick sigh and pointed at the direction he heard something at the moment your stomach started aching.

"I heard something crash over to that direction. North." Kiji pointed out.

"You've got to be kidding me. Don't tell me Haji-" you couldn't even finish your sentence until you heard your name being called.

"Oh my...the monkey looks horrible." Kiji whispered to you.

"Hold on. Kiji, can you tell him where he was and what he was doing." You asked him.

He said 'of course' and went to go ask him.

Not much after, he came back to you with informations and told you what he said.

"Oh no no no..." you stood up and shook your head in disbelief.

He had an argument with Hajime and it didn't quite go well. It seems they fought and he ended up losing. Again.  He hated to admit his defeat.

"Hey Y/n! It's time to practice." Samon called out to you to get your attention.

° ° °

Before leaving the practice ground you tapped on his shoulder.

"I wan't to challenge you." You said politely with a smirk.

"Haaa? Why the sudden asking?"

"No reason. It's just that Kiji told me that you lost to the supervisor Hajime.  So I're weak." You let out a smooth but devilish smirk that made him even more angrier than hearing the word weak.

Samon then pushed you agianst the wall and grabbed your collar.

"Don't call me weak wolf. You're just a newbie here and yet you already try to challenge me?! Have you got any idea how advanced my skills are?"

Kiji stepped in and pulled Samon away from you. Kiji already figured out that the two of you has that relationship. He just kept his mouth shut.

For now.

"Kiji, what are you doing? I told you earlier not to step in!"

"Sorry darling but I can't allow this. Mitsuru came by while you were practicing and told me I should tell you that the Warden wants to see you in his office." He exclaimed and then pulled out a mirror.

"Hold on, this late?" You thought for a moment.

"I could go back to the cell 13 and tell Hajime that I can't do the night shift because the Warden called me but in the other hand I could see Elf agian. Darn...what should I do?"

You were now sitting on the bench struggling of thinking what you should do. You really wanted to see Elf but the Warden called you to his office.

After you snapped out of your thoughts you grabbed your stuff and said Kiji goodbye.

Before you headed back, you turn your head at Samon. You imagined how he would look like right now but it was no use.

His expression could be anything. You just wished you can detect people's face when you're blind.

"What are you looking at, wolf? Do I have something on my face?" The annoyed monkey exclaimed.

"Oh, nothing...sorry."

Like that, you headed to the Warden's office.

My Soulmate [Nanbaka] Samon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now