Chapter 7 Jealousy

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Oof i had to rewrite something on Chapter 4,5 and 6. I've made a big mistake there.

I totally forgot that the warden was supposed to be a male but now it has been fixed.

Thank you for that one reader reminding me💖
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"So, what do want to talk about supervisor Yamato?" You kindly asked the man that looked a bit pale.

Yamato took a beep breath and let it all out.

"You see, the reason why I didn't show up to practice is because i've heard terrible news about my daughter's health."

"Oh so sorry for that. Do you mind if you could tell me what happened?" You asked.

"No, I wouldn't mind..." he said while looking away from you.

"My daughter is suffering from sepsis not too long ago and I hope the organs hasn't been affected by the poison yet." He said in an disappointed look.

You looked at his face and couldn't bear to see him like that, so you looked away from him and stared at the hallway to your left side.

"I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Sepsis is a very rare disease that can be only recovered in an early notice. I hope your wife found out early about your daughter's disease." You said worryingly.

The both of you stood there in silence until someone came from the left side of the office.

Yamato headed inside the office so he could continue his paperwork. Instead doing the same, you just layed back on the wall and thought about something.

"Go get back to work." Said the familiar voice.

You clicked your tongue and closed your eyes.

"One, you are not my supervisor.
Two, how dare you talk to me.
And three, how dare you approach me you damn monkey."

You crossed your arms and turned to his direction slowly opening your eyes until you saw his appearance.

'I never expected him to look this handsome...' you thought.

He looked very different from what you imagined how he would look like.

"Learn some manners to your supervisors. You're only a night shift guard." He said annoyingly while heading inside the office with an angry expression on his face.

You watched him walk away from afar and noticed someone staring at you.

You looked to your right and saw the man from earlier. The guy with the 'cool glasses'.

"Oh goodness!" You jumped.

"You got a thing for Samon-chan I see...anywho! Have you heard about the new-years-tournament?" He asked while wrapping one arm around you.

"New-years-tournament? No, i've never heard of it from the warden nor guards." You replied with a light blush on your face.

"And...P-please get your arm off me..." you added.

"The new years tournament is a very special event in Nanba. If you win the first place in that tournament, you get one wish BUT, if you wanna reach the first place, you'll have to beat some competitors. It could be a guard, supervisor or an Inmate." He explained and completely ignoring your request.

As you heard someone walk ouside the office, you looked to the side the steps came from.

Both of you starred each other for a while.

"I have a request for you sweetheart."

"H-huh?" You snapped away from the stare and looked at the man that still had his arm wrapped around you.

"Yeah, sure go ahead."

"How about, singing for the new-years-tournament with one of your solo songs?"

"W-what?! N-no! Don't even start with that. I've given up my talent for something else." You exclaimed loudly.

The man moved his arm away from you and wrote something on his block.

"Y/n...will... be...
...tournament." he said loudly as he wrote those words down.

"Hey! Don't do that!"

"Mitsuru, stop playing with her." Samon said while walking up to both of you.

Mitsuru looked at you, smirked and then wandered away.

You let out a light blush as he smirked at you and of course the guy next to you noticed the light blush you were currently making.

He then too left the hallway and never turned around to look back at you.

° ° °

The new years tournament are soon coming up. Samon has been acting weird since the day after your operation. He gets all the negative emotions when Mitsuru's around.

These past two months you also have been practicing a lot. You wish you didn't have to but the Warden insisted.

No one really thought much about you being one of the Cheria member. The only one that considered you as an Idol was Mitsuru. He seemed pretty clingy to you when he wanted to get your autograph. That got a lots more of people's attention, of course.

Come to think of it. Samon visits you more than usual too. You see him atleast 3 times a day and it seems like he shoved that thought away about you lying to him that day too.

As you were in the middle of finding the perfect tone for the performance, someone harshly stopped you, holding your shoulder.

"Y/n, what are you doing. Let's go help the others prepare for tomorrow's new-year-tournament!" Seitarou exclaimed while pulling your arm to the direction of the gigantic hall.

"Stop pulling me Seitarou! I can walk on my own."

You crossed your arms and walked along with him.

On the way, you saw Samon starring at his phone with a very noticeable blush on his face.

'Maybe he's texting his girlfriend.' You thought.

You didn't think much about it, until something popped up in your mind. He's supposed to be your soulmate!

'Hold on- he couldn't- he can't!'

The thoughts in your head were messing with you. You hated that feeling. The feeling you can't describe. It feels like someone is crushing your heart with an truck.

You punshed your chest hard hoping the pain would go away. You looked back again. Samon was doing the exact same thing. Looks like you made his heart ache.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Seitarou asked innocently.

"Mhm, i'm good. Just having a hard time breathing is all." You said innocently, obviously making up a lie.

The only person who knows that the both of you are soulmates is Kiji. The wonderful 'Queen Bee' that is good at keeping private secrets. When it comes to Mitsuru's secrets, he wouldn't have kept it to himself anymore.

The two of them don't get along very well but you understand the pain. Since he's always clingy, annoying, loud and bloody.

For somereason, everytime you see him, he seems to be always injured. Since he doesn't go anywhere exept for the camera room and the warden's office, you thought maybe it's the Warden's fault for giving him those injuries.

To be honest, you really enjoyed seeing him like that. His shirt is a bit more revealing, his hair is a mess in a sexy way and his blood flowing down his body-

'STOP IMAGINING THINGS!' You thought out loud and slapped yourself on both side of your cheeks.

'He's not your man y/n. Calm down...'
You took a deep breath and focused on helping the others.

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E this book is turning into a different ship. Fucc, i need to think of something to make it turn around the right way.

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