Chapter 11.3 Backstory

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You were now heading to school early like you 'promised' Samon. You felt your heart trembling as you heard your name being called from afar. You didn't slow your phase though. Instead, you got quite faster and so did the boy that was following from behind.

"Y/n~! Wait for me~!"

He whined while grasping your hand tightly, making sure not to hurt you. Your cheeks blushed in a sakura pink color. The boy leaned his head on your shoulder. Making it look like the two of you are together.

"Stop it you Monkey! You're embarrassing me..."

"Whaaat? There's no one around here except the two of us. And stop calling me Monkey!"

You giggled as you took away your hand and ran to the school entrance.

"I'll stop if you catch me before I reach the classroom~" You teased.

Samon's lips turned into a wide smile and got into his position to catch you. He didn't want to lose this chance. He had enough of you calling him a monkey all the time.


You started to run in a phase that was easy for Samon to catch up to. Your classroom was on the third floor and the two of you were still on the first. You took a look behind you and saw him almost reaching for your back. You flinched and sped up your phase.

You felt his hand touching your hair which made you shiver. You continued to run and felt a warm hand touching your back slightly. You stopped your track right infront of the class door. You stamp your foot on the floor in annoyance. 'Monkey' was the perfect name you choose for him and now the fun of it ended here.

"No fair!"

"Bleh! You better keep your words y/n!"

You crossed your arms and turned your head to the classroom. Not wanting to see him anymore. He starred at you with a worried expression and felt heartbroken after you walked away in a sassy way.

"Y/n...I'm sorry. Come baaack..." He cried out.

Class wasn't starting yet but the two of you sat on your seat. Right next to each other.

He kept calling your name and waiting for a response but you kept your mouth shut. You silenced zoned him for today. Not wanting to do anything with him for awhile.

You felt guilty for zoning him like this. His eyes looked at you with a notice of the feeling 'sorrow'. Your eyes were shaking. Feeling sorry about the boy sitting next to you.


The bell rung and not long after that, the room was filled with other young students. The room was loud and yet, it didn't bother you much.

You looked outside the window next to you and watched how fall is kicking in. Also soon Samon's birthday.(I've been searching in google on when his birthday was but couldn't find a result. If any of you know the date, please tell me TwT)

'He's turning 8 years old soon huh...'


He whined but you didn't respond. You only made a 'Hmpf' sound to let him know that you weren't in the mood. Sure, he got the message but couldn't stop reaching for your hand even after pulling it away.

'So clingy...but cute...'



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