Chapter 10.6 (Disaster)

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The last event was announced to start soon. All the guards, deputy and supervisor had left the room exept for Samon and you.

You held his sleeve tightly to make sure he doesn't wander anywhere.

"Y/n, the event is going to start soon. Let me go."

"So you're just going to forget everything what happened back there?!"


You chuckled at his comment in a sarcastic way. You waited long enough for another response from him, but nothing seems to come outside his mouth.

"Uh, hello?"

. . .

"You know what. Have it your way and I'll have mine."

You then turned around to the exit and started to walk towards it until you felt a certain arm wrapping around your waist. You turn your head to the man and tried to get off his arm from your body.

"Let go!"

. . .

"Say something!"

. . .

You had enough of his silence and decided to use violence on him. Even though its not a good idea. You looked down on the floor and thought about something that might work.

You stepped on his toes and made him lose his grip on you and jumped around in pain. You did the exact same.

"Damit! Why can't you just exept it!" He shouted

"Exept what?!" You shouted back.

"I am your goddamn soulmate-...ops."

Your face flushed into a pink-red color in embarrassment. You hid yourself under your coat and slowly walked towards him.

" know? For how long? What did i give away for you to notice?"

He took away the coat that you were using to hide your face and threw it on the ground. His hand slowly reaching for your cheeks. You were able to tell that he was hesitating, but it didn't bother you.

"Surely you remember the night with that Elf guy, right? I've known since then. You also gave it away while looking at other men. Which i personally dislike." He answered while slowly lowering his head towards yours.

You squint your eyes and waited for him to make his first move. You felt his warm breath getting closer and closer every second. It took him forever. It made you inpatient. You aggressively pushed his head closer to yours, which made you both fell into a warm and soft long kiss.

You took off his hat and threw it where your coat was thrown earlier. You then clenched onto his hair after he started kissing and nibbling on your neck. You started to realize, that the two of you were in a public place. You slightly pushed him away and tidied yourself up.

"We shouldn't do this here..." You commented while putting back your coat on.

"Hmpf, i might not look like the type of guy that does this but...let's skip the last tournament and go out for ourselves."

"No, stop it Samon."

You pushed his face away before he could reach for another one.

You then headed towards the exit with Samon following from behind. Every time you stare back, he looked like he about to do something.

You slightly giggled at his sudden change of personality. You've never seen this side of him before. Probably no one else have.

You kept on giggling until the two of you heard loud crashing noises coming from the tournament's direction. Samon grabbed your hand and ran with you to the direction the noise came from.

My Soulmate [Nanbaka] Samon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now