Summer vacation (2k special)

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I wish you all a great summer vacation💜

I'm even surprised that we made it to 2k views :D

° ° °

Summer vacation. The vacation is supposed to be amusing and relaxing. Instead, it's complete chaos.

You wanted to spend your free time inside your apartment. Refreshing yourself with some cold drinks and ice creams.

But no.

Like always, Mitsuru Hitokoe had to step up and break your dreams into small tiny pieces. He forced you to come along to the beach party he prepared all by himself.

To be frank. It's kinda impressive how he does all that within one day. Even you couldn't make that on a hot day like this one. Surely he sweated much. Right?

Right now, you're standing in front of the shopping center at the female clothing reception, not knowing what to choose.

You ruffled your hair not knowing which one to choose from. There were so many styled bathing suits and yet, not a single one of them catched your eyes in amazement.

'Maybe miss Kazari has some bathing suits with her that I could probably use. I's not like i'm trying to impress someone, right?'

You poked your index fingers together feeling a bit shy from your decision. You and Kazari never really spoke much. The last time you two spoke together was a little over a month ago or so.

You shrugged your shoulders and sighed heavily at your stupid decision.

Today wasn't really your day either. You would think things like this one quite often and react to them fast.

"Why does it matter if I go to Kazari and ask her if she has some spare bathing suits for me to try on. There's a bunch of here..."

"I got a bunch of them inside my closet and yet I never really use them."

You jumped and turned around to the lady who was standing right besides you.

"Miss Kazari! How long have you been here?"

"I've been here quite awhile but after you came here."

" you heard everything?"

"Pretty much."

The two of you stood there in silence not knowing what to say next. It's awkward sometimes. Trying to find a conversation to start with is hard when you don't know the person very well. You rubbed your arms, not sure what to do.

"Care to try one of them on?"

You looked at the woman in surprise. You gave her an excited nod and followed her from behind. You didn't expect for it to really happen but oh well.

• • •

The two of you arrived at her apartment after 30 minutes. Her husband seems to be there too but he's minding his own business.

Kazari has been searching in the closet for awhile and came back with a huge collection of bathing suits.

"These are all the suits that i once used back when i was your age. You can keep some of them if you'd like."

You took a good look at them with sparkling eyes. Though, couldn't find a single one that might suit you well. Well, that's what you thought for a certain someone's opinion.

"What's wrong? Cam't find one you like?"

"No, no! I like them very much you have a Chinese style?"

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