Chapter 10.3 Tournament (Let's see about that)

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Sowwy for making you wait too long~

° ° °

The tournament was about to begin. The participants already stood on their positions, preparing themselves for the battle.

"I'll pound the mochi, so you prevent the opponent's attack, Number 69-kun."

"Shouldn't I go destroy their daruma?" Rock asked.

"If we finish the mochi first, we'll win. Isn't that more peaceful than fighting unnecessary battles?" He replied and asked a question back.

"I guess, but..."

Rock's sentence was kindly interrupted by the loud mouth Mitsuru.

"Now I'll introduce the participants! Building 13 deputy supervising officer, Yamato Godai! Building 5 guard, Inori Hakkai!"

The two men glared at each other, which made the situation for you kinda...nervous. You had the feeling that today, is going to be one of your worst nightmare's in your life. Just a belly feeling though. It doesn't mean anything. Right?

"And from Building 13, Cell 13 Inmate Number 69! And from Building 5, Cell 8, Inmate Number 2!"


"Okay, ready...start!"

Yamato let's out a powerful shout and started pounding on the mochi. The first hit was powerful. You could feel the air coming towards the audience. Which you find very pleasant, but still terrifying.

'How scary...'

You looked towards the orange-green haired man that was not too far away from you. It made you think that he wasn't participating on this round. He then noticed eyes glaring on him so he turned around to where you were standing and lets out a smirk that was barely visible from the distance. You couldn't really tell his face expression, so you shrugged it off.

Not even a second later, after focusing on the match, you saw a big shadow crossing through the match hall, almost hitting the audience with it.

"Oh come on! We already lost one daruma?!" You screamed out loud.

You searched for the person who caused the daruma to fling up all the way to the audience. It took you awhile to find the person until you spotted a slender tall man standing right infront of rock, besides building 13's daruma. He had a red outfit, long black braided hair and green fabric earrings. Your couldn't really tell the features on his face but you gotta admit, he's pretty strong.


"Do they know each other?" You asked the three inmates and supervisor.

"Yeah, I heard Rock used to be in Building 5 before he was put in 13." Uno answered.

Your attention quickly returned to the match as you saw Rock's hammer getting destroyed by Liang's powerful kick. His fighting style really looked familiar to you. It was a Chinese type of martial arts.

'I bet he learned that from Samon.'

"Number 69 has lost his hammer from Number 2's powerful kick! That gotta hurt! Ouch!" Mitsuru exclaimed while saying the 'ouch' sound sarcastically.

You leaned back at the railing and chuckled at Mitsuru's speech.

"I must commend you for not falling down."

"You combat freak!"

"You're the same, aren't you?"

"Shut up."

The two inmate's glared at each other with strong aura shinning around them. It seems that winning this tournament really is important to them.

Out of nowhere, your belly started to ache really bad.(Author's excuse to make the tournament chapter's not to long.)

'Oh no...don't tell me it's today...' you thought to yourself.

You tapped your supervisor's shoulder and he reacted to a quick turn to your side. You jumped a bit from his quick reflexes and shrugged it off after a few seconds.

"Sorry supervisor but may I go to the toilet really quick? It's urgent." You begged.

He thought about it for a few minutes which made you impatient. You started to press together your thighs to make sure the blood wouldn't stain your new panties you bought. At the end, he decided to let you go to the toilet, which was already too late.

You headed towards the stairs and walked it up with an obvious motion. The male that let you go off stared at you, making it more obvious for the other's to notice your walking motion. Even other male's from afar started to look at your direction that it even made you more nervous to continue the stairs.

Eventually, you reached the exit from the arena and searched for the nearby toilet you saw earlier. Though, you couldn't help but notice someone following you from behind. Even if you turned around, you couldn't see anyone.

Oh how you wished to be blind agian. You missed it to scan the area you were around. Like that, no one could get you from behind.

You quickened your phase and the steps from behind did so too. Not only one but two people's steps were to be heard. The first steps was near by but the other one seems to be more further away than the first one. Probably more than 50 meters away.

You turned around to check if someone was following you. Agian. No trace. But this time you stood there longer, waiting for a move from the unknown follower.

As you turn around, spotting a familiar face from afar. The male slowly stepped up closer to your vision until the two of you were now face to face. He lets out a devilish smile, grabbing both of your arms and pushing you down on the floor.

(Author: Please don't think much about that sentence. I myself am already in a big thought.😔✋)

Your eyes widened and in a sudden instinct, you slapped him at his right cheek. Which made his entire head turn to the left with a smile.

"What in the world are you thinking, Elf?! Are you trying to kill me or something?!"

"No. I'm trying to claim you." He replied with a serious expression.

You start to struggle around, trying to get him of you. But it's no use. You couldn't move your arms nor your torso.

"Elf...! I demand you to get off me now!"

"Who are you to give me orders."

He slowly reached for your chin while the other hand held both of your wrists. He moved his face closer to yours.

"Unless you...-"

"What is this nonsense."

Elf got interrupted by a painful kick from a sakura pink caped man that was standing right behind him.

"Ah, supervisor Yozakura!"

"No need to show me formalities. Just call me Kenshirou." He said calmly.

Kenshirou slowly turned back to the man that was supposed to be laying down om the floor in pain. Instead, he was actually doing just fine.

"Tsk. It always has to be supervisors that approaches me everytime I see my Y/n." Elf commented.

"Oh shush it Elf. We were never a thing in the first place and never will be either." You replied.

The yellow haired man turns his back on you and looked back showing his cheek that got slapped by you.(Picture above.)

"Let's see about that my dear Y/n..."

Like that, he faded away.

° ° °

Oof, you guys have no idea how many dirty things i thought about on this chapter.

Anyway, i thank you all for 1k reads on this book!💕

Stay tuned for more chapters!✨

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