(4k special) My Delinquent Boy-Friend

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I just transferred to a new schoolhouse two days ago and today was my first day in a new college second semester.

This happens to me often since my father's company keeps moving state to state and my mother has to drive further and further away from her job. I also had an older brother that took part in a military training. My younger brother still goes in high school and struggles with his appearance.

Sometimes, it sucked to be a rich girl in a new college classroom. The worst times were always the first two months. Where other female students keep badmouthing me or spread rumors about me. It's not easy for me to stick around the female's in the new college's I go.

What i'm currently doing right now is sitting on a bench behind the schoolhouse. I arrived a bit earlier than I usually do but that's because I was nervous. I even skipped my breakfast this morning. I guess something just made me excited but I dont seem to remember why.

I sat here for awhile, almost falling back to sleep. Every time I was close to sleep, something kept waking me up. No one was sitting next to me nor around near my surroundings. But for some reason, a certain something or someone is staring at me. Well, that's what my belly is telling me atleast.

° ° °

The bell rung and I had the trouble searching for it. I ran up and down to the stairs and couldn't find my classroom anywhere. At this rate, the second bell will ring soon and i'll be in big trouble!

I ruffled my hair and searched for a senior or a teacher that could help me with my paper plan. But no matter where I go, there was no one to be found. I can't just open one of the classroom's door and expect someone to help me find my classroom. I'll just be a bother for them!

I continued to run around the halls until I heard the second bell ring.

"This is it. This is going to be my ehehend...."

I cried out as I crumbled to the ground while covering my face with my two hands.

"What's going to be your end, shorty?"

"Who said I was short?!"

I exclaimed while standing up in anger.

I then felt a slight touch on my shoulder which I turned around to look at the person who called me a shorty.

The person had bright orange hair and green tips ending his front. His left ear was covered in piercings. He also had one under his lips and two under his left eye. His eye color were apple green which made him more attractive along with his completely black outfit.

My face went bright red when I saw his complete look. I turned around and wandered away only to bump into the same person.

"Ouch...Hey, what was that for?!"

"You didn't answer my question idiot. Wait, I haven't seen you around here. Are you a newbee?"

"Yes I am and it's disrespectful to just call someone you just met an idiot or shorty! I have a name too you know."

The male made a tsk sound and rolled his eyes at me. He then moved his face close to mine and smirked.

"Fine, tell me your name and answer my question. Maybe then i'll stop calling you that."

"If you say so. My name is Y/n Sugoroku and i'm searching for my classroom. There, are you happy?"

"Pff-hahahaha! Seriously? Is that all? Hahaha!"

I moved my eyes to side, feeling a bit embarrassed and sad to see him making fun of me like this. I can't really say I hate him but..he just gives me this feeling that i've never felt before. It hurts..I want it to stop.

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