Chapter 12 Realization (End?)

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Congratulations for reaching the book's end without having to wait for too long. Though, there might be a part 2 on this which you are probably excited about.

It will take me awhile for me to recover my interest on this book. I've lost some motivation for it which is not a good sign to keep going.

But do not worry, until the the new years for 2022, there will be a part 2 of this.

Then again, thank you for reading this~!💜💕

° ° °

You woke up feeling the pain from your right arm. You scratched your head head with the opposite hand and stood up from the bed.

You looked at the man on the office table filling up some files. He looked back to the cracking voice and saw you looking directly at him. He stood up from his chair and went to put you back down on the bed.

He asked you a few questions about your age, family, favorite color and all that stuff. You answered them all flawlessly without hesitation. But why would he ask these questions in the first place?

"Hey, Okina. Why are you asking me these questions anyway?"

He looked at you and hesitated for a moment.

"Before that 'accident' happened, didn't you feel like something was missing inside your memories?"

You looked to the side and thought about it. He was right. Something was missing back then. You never thought or had memories of him. But after that eternal dream you had, you finally realized that you forgot someone very important to you.

"You're right. Something was missing.." You replied after thingking it through.

You scratched your head once again and heard another knocking sound coming from the door.

'Could it be him?'

The figure stepped inside and revealed his face. It was Samon with a blank expression you've never seen before. He held something but you couldn't see it clearly.

"Good morning Oki-"

He stopped his sentence when he saw you sitting on the bed. He looked at you with his widened eyes and stormed towards you. He then embraced you around his arms. Completely unaware that he was hurting you. You pushed him away, slightly letting out a painful groan.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Be more careful! You can't just hug me without my permission you stupid monkey!"

He stood still infront of you. Wondering if he heard it right.

"Can...can you repeat that?"

You held up a brow and asked him what he meant by that.

"Can you repeat that?"

"You can't just hug me without my permission?"

"No, no! The other last two words you said!" He exclaimed.

You flinched at his blow-up and stared down to the floor. Trying to remember what you said.

"Hg...withou...permissio-Oh!  Stupid monkey, was that the two words you meant?"

He stood there with a shocked expression painted on his face. He shook his head. Refusing to believe he was hearing it right.

'It couldn't possibly her..'

Her name nor face in his memories was blurry but he can still remember a female's voice calling him a 'monkey'.

"Stop following me you stupid monkey! I hate you!"

Yes, he still remember those words clearly that teared him apart. That day, he should've done something instead of standing there, looking at her with a shocked expression. Just like now.

Okina, who was watching the scene, decided to leave the two of you be. The aura you two were giving around yourselves made him nervous.

Samon sat next to you after hearing the door close. He held your left hand and stroke it slowly. You let out a small blush and pulled your hand away.

"Can we talk about something..y'know..private?"

"Sure, go ahead. We are alone now after all."

"Did you perhaps met a kid back then that resembled me?"

"In fact, yes i do. Why do you ask?"

"Could it be that the kid is me?"

The both of you stared to each other's eyes. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

"Did you celebrate new years with him?"

"Hey, Y/n. Do you like the fireworks?"

"Mhm! They're so beautiful~!"

"Hehe..just like you..."

"Did you go ice skating with him?"

"Samon, i'm scared.."

"Come on, hold my hand and try walking with me. If you can't keep up then might as well leave you here hehe."

"Samon! You dummy!"

"Did you two have had an argument?"

"Stop it with your lies! Leave me alone and never talk to me agian! I hate you!"

"Wait Y/n-!...I'm sorry..."

"Stop it..."

"Did you-"

"Stop it!!" You shouted.

Tears swallowed up your cheeks and only then he noticed that he was hurting you. He embraced you with his arms, making sure not to hurt your injuries. He then stroke your back saying 'i'm sorry' over and over again.

° ° °

Time passed within a blow. The two of you officially announced to the entire  prison about your relationship with Samon Gokuu. It wasn't by free will. It was just a certain someone who had enough of the staring.

You two also shared a loving apartment with a pet monkey and a pet fox who were constantly making romantic moves at each other. You didn't mind looking at the pet monkey all flustered and red.

With you and Samon was always a  bit of a disaster when it comes to asking for something. Mostly having child but that's about it.

These passed months together with him was a dream come true and hopefully it stays like this forever.

You never really thought about what happened to Elf and the mysterious man with a scar on his neck.

There are also times where you get chills down your spine. Sometimes you feel uneasy about your surroundings. But whenever he's around you, you feel like there is no one who can ever hurt you in any kind of way. Or so you thought?

"I will...make you...mine..."

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