Author's Note

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So, uuuh...I'm not much of a fan of this 'Author's Note' stuff...


I kinda lost motivation on writing this Fanfiction. I will be gone for a long period of time. It'll probably even take more than 2 months.

It's probably because i'm too much focused on finding an apprenticeship since I don't have one yet. I already registered for the 10th grade knowing it'll be a horrible time...but the main reason involves with finding new Fanfiction interests. I'm now more attracted to Helbram from seven deadly sins Fanfiction stories and I recently made my own.

I wont be discontinuing this since I don't like doing that. It hurts me to see readers go sad after a story gets discontinued. I don't want to do that to you ya'll but i'll try and return my interests back on this book.^^

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