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"C'mon Kyoko! You need to show others your cosplays! Come to the con with me, pleaseeee?" Aoi said to me with puppy eyes.

"Fine. Mostly because I know you won't stop asking me." I laughed, rolling my eyes jokingly.

"Ooo, wear your Catherine Parr one that you made! I'll wear the Anne Boleyn one I made! Also, can I see your phone?" She asked.

"Sure." I handed my phone to her.

She handed it back a minute later, "Okay! Here's your cosplay Instagram account! It's linked to your main so that you can access it from there."

"Really? I don't need a cosplay account." I said.

"Just use it for a few weeks, see if you like doing it." She suggested.

I groaned, "Fine." 


I got ready the next day for the con and picked up Aoi. We were lucky that we got there early because it got crowded fast.

Surprisingly, I got a lot of compliments on my cosplay. I decided to wear a wig that day to match the character more, though my long purple hair was a pain to get in the wig cap.


After reminiscing about the first convention I went to, I decided to check the time.

"Oh shit!" I cursed loudly.

"What?" Aoi asked from the kitchen.

"We only have two hours until the con!" I said, pulling on my cosplay. We're doing an in-character panel today as Harry Potter characters.

"Uh, Kyoko?" Aoi called.

"Yeah?" I replied, sticking my head out of my room.

"I just realized that we forgot to find a Harry" She said.

"What? Whatever, we'll have to do it without one then." I pulled on my wig cap, stuffing my hair into it.

"Are you almost ready?" She asked.

"Yeah, I need to do my makeup, I'm putting on my wig right now." I put the wig on, luckily not having to adjust it too much. "Are you ready?"

"Mhm!" She said, poking her head in my room.

The blonde wig and the makeup she was wearing made her look very different, she was Luna.

"Okay, let's go!" I said, finishing up my makeup.


The rest of our group had arrived and we had 30 minutes until our panel and we were still panicking on the inside about not having a Harry... that is until we found a boy dressed as Harry Potter, he looked to be around 19 or 20, a year older than me or so.

Aoi approached him, "Hi! I'm Aoi Asahina! Your cosplay is great!" 

"Thank you! I'm Makoto Naegi." He said.

"We have a panel in 30 minutes and we don't have a Harry, would you be interested in filling the position?" She asked.

"Sure!" He smiled.

"Okay, everyone, introduce yourselves and say your character." Aoi said.

"Leon Kuwata or Ron Weasley." 

"Sayaka Maizono or Ginny Weasley!"

"Byakuya Togami or Draco Malfoy."

"Kiyotaka Ishimaru and I'm Dumbledore!" 

"Mondo Owada, Aoi wanted me to be Grindelwald for some reason...? I didn't know we were doing Fantastic Beasts too but whatever."

Aoi smirked, obviously neither Mondo nor Taka understood the reference.

"T-Toko Fukawa, Trelawney." 

"Celestia Ludenberg or Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Sakura Ogami, Professor McGonagall."

"C-Chihiro Fuijisaki and I'm Dobby."

"Hifumi Yamada, I'm Lord Voldemort!"

"Junko Enoshima, I'm Nagini, human version of course."

"Mukuro Ikusaba, I'm snake Nagini." Mukuro said, glaring at Junko.


Aoi looked at me, signaling for me to introduce myself, "Kyoko Kirigiri and I'm Hermione Granger."

I adjusted my gloves as the others talked, trying to avoid too much socialization.

"You're kinda quiet, is something wrong?" Makoto asked me.

"I'm fine." I said, pushing a loose strand of my lavender hair back up into my wig cap.

"We should go to the panel room so we can set up for the panel." Aoi suggested.


"Thank you all for coming, first we must go over rules and then we'll get into character and start the panel." I went over the rules and sat in my chair, "Okay, any questions?"

"Which Harry ship are you guys going with today?" An audience member asked.

"Harmony!" Aoi piped in.

"Is that all?" I asked, nobody else had questions, so, with that, the panel had started and questions were being asked, dares were happening, and it was all-around chaos.

"Where's the blonde jerk that everyone's in love with for some reason?" Someone asked.

"DID SOMEONE SAY DRACO MALFOY?" Byakuya entered, he had been waiting for someone to say something that he could dramatically enter to.

I kept a straight face, it was rare to see Bitchakuya like this. The audience (or whatever you call it) cheered.

"Draco, sit down and shut up." I said. "Do you want me to slap you again?"

He stayed silent and rolled his eyes at me.

I pulled a dare out of the dare bin and read it aloud, "Hermione, kiss, marry, kill; Draco, Ron, Harry."

"Kill Draco, kiss Ron, and uh, marry Harry." I said. Also, British accents are a pain in the ass to mimic consistently.

"I guess I'd marry you too Hermione." Makoto said, also faking an accent.


"Thank you for coming today!" I said as everyone left the room.

We started to pick up our stuff so we could leave, getting photos for our Instagrams.

"Hey Kyoko, what's your Instagram? I'll follow you." Makoto asked, coming up to me.

"Oh, it's lavender. Just the word lavender. What's yours?" I said.

"Mine is egg.boi. Wait- how did I not realize earlier that you're her?!" He said, a shocked look on his face.

"You're him?!" I said, also shocked.

"I've been following you for forever! You got me to start cosplaying! And how do you have four million followers?" He said, excited.

"You have the same amount of followers but okay-" I said, laughing slightly. "And that's cool! Your cosplays are incredible, do you make all of them?"

"Yeah, I have a million cuts on my hands because of it." He laughed, "Is that why you wear gloves in all your cosplays?"

"Uhm, yeah." I said, hiding the actual answer from him.

"If you don't mind, could I get your number?" He asked sheepishly.

"Sure." I said and he gave me his phone and I put in my number.

lavender (naegiri au)Where stories live. Discover now