434 15 24

*they're 21 in this chapter*

I had gotten Hina to take Makoto with her and Sakura to the mall, so that I would have the perfect chance to ask his parents a question.

"Hi Kyoko!" His mom greeted, opening the door.

"Hello! Is Mr. Naegi home as well? I have something I need to ask you guys." I replied.

"Yes, he is! Come with me." She said, leading me to the living room where Mr. Naegi was and we sat down.

"Hey Kyoko!" Komaru popped her head in the room.

"Hi Komaru." I replied.

"So what did you want to ask us?" Mr. Naegi asked.

"I was wondering if I could propose to Makoto?" I asked.

"Oh, of course!" Mrs. Naegi smiled and hugged me, she is a lot like Makoto when it comes to that.

"Makoto loves you so much, of course you can propose to him." Mr. Naegi said, also smiling.

"Thank you." I said.


"Makoto?" I said when we were sitting on the couch.

"Yeah?" He responded, looking up at me.

"Do you wanna go on a walk at the park?"

"Sure!" He smiled.


We went out to the park, it was mid-spring and surprisingly, quite chilly. The cherry-blossoms had bloomed and the park was beautiful.

Makoto and I were just walking through the park when I decided to do it.

I let go of his hand and got on one knee, he turned around and looked shocked.

"Wait..." He dug through his pocket and pulled out a ring box, "I was gonna-"

"Then, is that a yes?"

He nodded, I got up and kissed him, his ahoge blowing in the wind. By then, we were both crying.

"I love you." I said, sliding the ring I got him on his finger.

"I love you too." He replied, slipping the ring he got me on my finger.


We got back to the house, he was very affectionate and I, of course, returned that affection.

Makoto made a fancy dinner for the two of us (since I cannot cook for the life of me).

After dinner, we cuddled and fell asleep with small smiles on our faces.


We chose to tell his family first, Komaru was very excited and his parents were both happy for us.

"Oo! Can I be a bridesmaid?" She asked excitedly.

"Of course," I replied.


"What was it you guys wanted to tell me?" Hina asked, we were sitting in the living room on her couch.

"We're engaged!" Makoto said.

"YOU ARE? OH MY GOD, EEEEEE!" She squealed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my Maid of Honor?" I added.

"Of course!" She clasped her hands together in excitement.


"Kiriiii" Makoto said, prolonging the last letter.

"Hm?" I looked up from my book.


"Of course."

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