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I thought I did something wrong... but I let her do what she needed to do. I went over to the drinks area, grabbing an orange Fanta and watching Chihiro get shot in the leg by Junko's nerf gun.

"JUNKO ENOSHIMA!" Taka screamed, grabbing the gun and throwing it at Leon, who was trailing Sayaka like a lost puppy.

"SAYONNNN!" Hina shouted, then passed out.

"She had too much sugar." Sakura sighed. 

"Dammit, I brought fucking donuts Hina!" Mondo shouted.

Hina bolted up.


"No- Mondo why?" Sakura sighed.

I laughed quietly, turning to face Komaru.

"She is amazing!" Komaru smiled greatly. "We exchanged numbers, she is soooo awesome."

She looked at Byakuya, "She could do so much better..."

"Uh huh, gotta go do something, be right back."

It had been nearly an hour since Kyoko and I's conversation.

"Hey, Hina, where is Kyoko's room?"

"Oh heck no Makoto, we do NOT need babies already!" Hina shook her head. "Down the hall to the left. USE PROTECTION!"

I blushed, walking off quickly.

I knocked on Kyoko's door.

The door swung open, and Kyoko stood there, her face red and tear stained.

She was also wearing sweatpants and a tanktop. Ignore the fact I noticed that.

"Hey..." I say, putting my hands behind my back, nervously fidgeting with them.

"Hey Makoto." She said softly, wiping tears from her face. "Uh, wassup?"

"Are you okay? It's been an hour or so, you're missing the chaotic fun stuff. I think Hina is about to get us to play games.."

"I might come." She said.

I embraced her in a hug, startling her.

"Why are you hugging me?" She asked, not rudely but curiously.

"Sometimes, people just need hugs. Nothing you or I can do about it. I can sense when someone needs a hug."

"Does Byakuya need a hug?"

I laughed quietly, "Very much so. I'm just too scared he'll punch me into tomorrow." 

We shared a small laugh.

"Hey, you laughed! We are progressing!" I smiled.

"We're getting there." She nodded in agreement. 

My smile saddens and I nod slightly, "Come on now, we should get to the party."

"Ah, I can't. Not dressed like this." Kyoko let her arms flop by her side.

"Throw on a quick hoodie and boom, you look normal! Not that you don't look normal now- appropriate?"

"I understand, but I do not have a hoodie. I only have my jacket, which is not very comfortable at nights."

"Here." I take off my jacket, handing it to her. She blushed, putting it on.

"Thanks, Makoto. Come on now."

She led me back to the party, sitting in the circles.

"Nice of you two to join us." Hina said. "We're playing truth, dare, double dare, or promise to repeat!"

"Kyoko, is the Makoto's jacket?" Komaru smirked. 

"Komaru, are those Toko's hair ties on your wrist?" I glanced over at Toko, who's hair was down instead of in her braids.

"Do not bring me into this!" Toko blushed. "Junko, truth, dare, double dare, or promise to repeat?"

"All, duh!" 

"Choose one!" Byakuya facepalmed.

"My god, sheesh. Chill out Bitchyakuya. I stole that from Kiri. Promise to repeat."

Byakuya sent a glare at Kyoko, who shrugged innocently.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest thing in this room." Toko said.

Junko got up, going over to the mirror, then kissing herself twice.

"Oh my god, ew! Don't leave tongue marks on the damn window!" Mondo covered his eyes, while Take covered Chihiro's.

"Ew." Chihiro said innocently.

Junko sat back down.


"Chihiro you do not have to do this-" Taka began, but Chihiro said, "Dare!"

Junko smirked, "I dare you to take a sip from daddy Mondo's drink!" 

Junko had her hands by her mouth in a bunny rabbit sorta pose.

"Mondo, if you dare..."

"It's a dare, Taka, I am really sorry but we are not raising a son who disowns a dare."

Mondo handed Chihiro his drink. Chihiro sniffed it uncertainly, then took a small sip.

Chihiro handed it back to Mondo, a look of disgust on his face.

"Uhm, uhm, Sayaka, truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"

"Truth..." Sayaka said.

"What do you think of Leon? Truthfully."

Sayana studied Leon, inhaling sharply.

"Leon is an annoying boy, but he has good pitch, baseball and music. Also, he is really funny. And hot. That's all I'm saying."

Hina giggled, "Sayonnnnnn!"

Junko clapped her hands, chanting, "KISS, KISS, KISS!" 

"Junko, I dare you to shut the hell up!" Sayaka said. "Makotoooooo, truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"

"Uhhh dare."

"I dare you to sit in the lap of the prettiest girl here!" Sayaka looked at Hina, smirking.

I looked around the room.

Komaru was my sister so no, Toko was... not the one for me, Sakura and Hina were taken, Sayaka was crushing, Chihiro was an amazing cross-dresser, Mukuro and Junko would murder me alive... and Kyoko was the only sane one, in my opinion. The one I actually liked *cough* I mean, as a friend.

So, naturally, I sat in her lap. My face was red, and I hid it in my knees.

"I suppose I can go for Makoto?" Kyoko asked, somehow calm.

"Sure!" Hina nodded, pleased she had gotten Naegiri.


"D- double dare."

"Ok, your first dare is to kiss the awesomest person in this room, then you have to sit directly next to them for the rest of the time. Like, really close."

"Oh come on Kyoko-" Byakuya began, but Toko kissed Komaru quickly, then hugged her.

"Woah- what?!" I ask, looking up.

"Me and Toko understand each other really well, Makoto." Komaru explained.

"Komaru is waaayyy better, unlike some people..." Toko looked at Byakuya.

"Not my fault." He shrugged it off, not insulted even in the slightest bit.

"Well, this was fun, but I'm tired so get out of my house now." Hina yawned. 

We left few at a time. Komaru and I left with Toko, and I gave Kyoko one last hug.

"If you need a hug ever, call me!" I smiled and ran after Toko and Komaru.

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